Mold and Mycotoxins - A Webinar with Dr. Sangita Pedro

Mold and Mycotoxins and their Impact on our Health

Mold is everywhere, so why is it a problem? Mold is an important part of our outdoor environment but when it gets trapped inside our homes, schools and offices it becomes a problem. Our sinuses filter out mold spores, and the mycotoxins they produce, from the air we breathe. This causes sinus. lung and gut issues. If the mold levels are high (and you are sensitive) the symptoms can go even further to include brain fog, heart racing or palpitations, dizziness, ringing in the ears, insomnia, nerve pain/numbness/tingling, restless legs, and much more. As our buildings age, mold is becoming a big problem with far-reaching impacts on our health.

Join Dr. Pedro for this talk with Q&A to learn more about how mold might be affecting you and your family.

Thursday, April 13th, 2023 from 6:30-8pm.
Zoom link for registration:

Copper Imbalance – An American Epidemic

By Rebecca Steiner, Holistic Health Coach and Peptide Therapy Specialist


About Copper Imbalance:

Copper imbalance might be the biggest epidemic in our country, that nobody’s heard about. Copper is an essential mineral that is, without exaggeration, needed to live. Copper is required for ATP energy production, cell function, immune function, collagen formation, iron utilization, oxygen transportation, and much more.

Clearly the body needs copper to function. But copper must be functioning properly too. It must remain at just the right levels. It must not get too low, or too high, or lose its ability to move freely (becoming bio-unavailable). When copper gets out of balance it can lead to all sorts symptoms and disease processes, and yet it is often missed or misdiagnosed. The main reason for this is because copper imbalance rarely shows up in bloodwork, since it is mainly stored in tissues. Blood levels can look normal, even when there is copper deficiency or toxicity.


Copper can act like a heavy metal, accumulating in tissues and organs and impairing their function. Many times, symptoms of copper dysregulation are related to systems of the body where copper is being stored. Common areas of copper storage are: the brain, liver, kidneys, and reproductive organs. So copper dysregulation may show up as depression, or headaches if it is accumulating in the brain, or endometriosis or infertility, if accumulating in the uterus. Copper dysregulation symptoms may also impact immune system and gastrointestinal function, or show up as iron deficiency, or B12 anemia.

Copper toxicity, insufficiency, and bio-unavailability can also cause:

  • Acne

  • Adrenal Fatigue

  • Allergies

  • Anemia

  • Anorexia

  • Anxiety

  • Arthritis

  • Asthma

  • Attention Deficit Disorder

  • Autism

  • Autoimmune Disorders

  • Behavioral Problems in Children

  • Bipolar (Manic Depression)

  • Brittle Nails or White Spots on Nails

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Chronic Digestive Disorders: Acid Reflux, GERD, SIBO, Indigestion, Constipation, Diarrhea, Bloating, Nausea, Vomiting 

  • Chronic Infections, Bacterial, Viral or Fungal

  • Chronic Yeast Infections, Vaginitis, UTI’s or Chronic Candida Overgrowth

  • Depression, Apathy

  • Dry Skin or Hair

  • Dysmenorrhea

  • Early Aging

  • Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

  • Estrogen Dominance, or Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance

  • Feeling like you’re “Wired but Tired”

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Fluroquinolone Poisoning – both predisposing one to poisoning, and worsening of symptoms associated with the condition

  • Food, Environmental, and Chemical Sensitivities 

  • Gastritis

  • Getting sick all the time/Never Getting Sick

  • Hair loss

  • Hoshimotos

  • Hypertension

  • Hypotension

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Hyperthyroidism

  • Immune Dysregulation

  • Infertility

  • Insomnia

  • Irregular Periods

  • Learning Disabilities

  • Loose Skin

  • Lyme Disease – that persists despite treatment

  • Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

  • Memory Problems

  • Mental and Mood Disorders

  • Migraines, Headaches (primarily located at the front of the head and behind the eyes.)

  • Miscarriage

  • Mold Toxicity and Mold Sensitivity

  • Neuralgia (nerve pain)

  • Osteoporosis

  • Parasites

  • PCOS, Fibroids, Uterine Cysts, Endometriosis

  • POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)

  • Poor Collagen Production

  • PMS (bad cramps, mood swings, water retention)

  • Racing thoughts that can lead to insomnia

  • Schizophrenia

  • Sciatica

  • Worse hangover from alcohol or Alcohol Sensitivity

Not only is copper imbalance commonly misdiagnosed, it is also often missed because it is hidden by chronic illnesses like Lyme, mold toxicity, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, candida, parasites, and EBV. Because copper plays such an important role in the immune system, if it is not functioning properly, we become more susceptible to chronic infections.


But what causes copper imbalance? There can be many causes, but the two biggest are; modern agricultural practices and the increasing ubiquity of female birth control. The way that we grow food in this country depletes the soils over time. As the years go by fewer minerals and nutrients make it into our food. This includes grass, and grass-fed animals too. So, we get less copper, or less of other minerals and vitamins we need to keep copper in check. In addition, GMO’s, pesticides, and even “natural” pesticides like copper sulfate are detrimental to the delicate mineral balance of the body. Ultimately, we can end up with too little, or too much copper. When we get too much copper, it acts like estrogen in the body. Combine this with naturally occurring estrogen, and the growing number of young women prescribed hormonal (and copper) birth control, and you have a recipe for a copper toxicity epidemic.

Since women naturally have more estrogen, copper overload from birth control, or other sources, tips the scales, leading to hormonal imbalances like; estrogen dominance, acne, PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, and miscarriage.

Copper dysfunction in women should be suspected when the onset or worsening of symptoms coincides with puberty, early adulthood, or if symptoms increase around menses. It should also be considered in women with symptoms of copper toxicity who have used any form of birth control, at any point in life, including progestin and the copper IUD, which have been shown to elevate copper levels. That being said, men and boys can experience copper toxicity or deficiency too. One reason being that it can be passed from mom to baby in the womb. In young boys it often presents as behavioral problems, poor impulse control, learning disabilities, mental disorders, or developmental disabilities.   

Other sources of copper toxicity or dysregulation include:

·       Breast Milk

·       B Vitamin Insufficiency

·       Chronic Gastrointestinal Disorders

·       Copper Cookware and Dishes

·       Copper Piping in the Home

·       Fluorinated and Chlorinated Drinking and Bathing Water

·       Eating Disorders

·       Fluoride Used in Dental Procedures

·       Genetic Mutations

·       Gestational (transmission from mom to fetus)

·       Medications

·       Infant Formula

·       Lack of Vitamin A from Animal Sources in the Diet

·       Other Mineral Imbalances

·       Swimming Pools, Hot Tubs (treated with copper)

·       Supplementing with copper, zinc, vitamin C, and citrate, or using zinc sulfate sunscreen, without knowing your mineral levels

·       Vegetarian or Vegan Diets

·       Water Contamination

Testing and Treatment:

If you suspect you are suffering from copper dysfunction, it is extremely important to work with a practitioner who has experience in diagnosis and treatment.

As stated above, copper dysregulation is very difficult to find through blood work, so alternative forms of testing are needed, and in some cases, clinical diagnosis is required.

Treatment will be based on a person’s individual mineral balances, and symptoms, and usually consists of supplementing methodically with specific vitamins and minerals. It can take anywhere from 3-12 months, and in some cases up to 3 years, to correct copper imbalance. With proper diagnosis and treatment, health can be restored.

If you are interested in learning more about copper dysfunction or mineral balancing, please contact me: or schedule an appointment:



GLP-1 Agonists: The Future of Weight loss and Aging

By Rebecca Steiner, Holistic Health Coach and Peptide Therapy Specialist

You’ve probably heard of GLP-1 agonists by now. These are medications known as Semaglutide, Ozempic and Wegovy that are all the rage in Hollywood, touted by celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Elon Musk for their impressive weight loss benefits. But just because GLP-1s are getting a lot of buzz, it doesn’t mean they are a passing fad. In fact, quite the opposite, it’s safe to say that GLP-1s are very likely the future of health and anti-aging.

GLP-1s, or Glucagon-like Peptide Agonists, not only promote significant weight loss, they provide a plethora of health benefits, from preventing heart disease to lowering cholesterol and reversing Type II diabetes. Additionally, GLP-1 agonists upregulate cell efficiency by boosting natural NAD production. NAD is arguably one of the most important factors in slowing the aging process, and it declines as we get older. NAD is required for our cells to make energy, stay healthy, function optimally, and avoid cancerous proliferation. By increasing NAD production, GLP-1s not only help us live longer, they help us live better, improving the health of our cells, organs and metabolic function.

While Ozempic is standardly prescribed for significant weight loss in obese individuals with a BMI of 30 or above, GLP-1s are being used by clinicians off-label, with great success in people with healthy BMI’s who want to achieve minimal or moderate weight loss, and improve overall health and metabolic function. Additional applications include:

  • Reversing insulin resistance

  • Lowering cholesterol and triglycerides

  • Preventing cardiovascular disease in patients at increased risk

  • Improving Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Hypertension

  • Erectile Disfunction

  • Aging

  • PCOS

If you have been following the news (or TikTok) you may have heard reports of extreme gastrointestinal side effects and other risks associated with GLP-1 agonists. The potential for side effects depends on where you source your peptide, and how it is dosed. Side-effects like these are not a concern with our products, which are specially compounded through an accredited, FDA regulated pharmacy, and carefully dosed. 

GLP-1s are the most effective weight loss product on the market, and the key to anti-aging. And they are only going to get better, as scientists and researchers continue to work on developing and improving them.

Through January 2023, we are offering 10% off of our Semaglutide Weight Loss Package.

If you are interested in finding out if you are a good candidate for Semaglutide or learning more about learning more about its benefits, email Rebecca:

Semaglutide for Weight Loss

Semaglutide outperforms all other medications in its ability to promote significant, long-term weight loss. Semaglutide is an FDA approved peptide that is administered by small subcutaneous injection, once per week. It works by reversing insulin resistance, optimizing blood sugar levels, improving overall metabolic function, and suppressing appetite.

While there is individual variation in results, clinical trials found on average people lost 15% loss of their body weight by one year. However, we commonly see faster, more dramatic results when following our recommendations for diet, exercise and lifestyle modifications. It is not uncommon to see weight reduction in the range of 20-50 pounds by month four of the program. 

The Benefits of Semaglutide Include: 

·      Significant and sustained weight loss

·      Reduced waist circumference

·      Improved blood glucose and hemoglobin A1c levels

·      Increased insulin sensitivity

·      Reduction of triglycerides

·      Improvement of diabetes type II

·      Appetite reduction/diminished hunger and cravings

·      Feeling full faster

·      Better sleep

If you are interested in knowing more about our Semaglutide package, and find out if you are a candidate, please contact Rebecca:

Why Mineral Balance is Essential for Curing Chronic Candida Overgrowth

By Rebecca Steiner, Peptide Program Manager and Certified Health Coach

Many of my clients have suffered for years with symptoms of candida overgrowth. Symptom type and severity ranges greatly, and can severely impact quality of life. Making matters worse, because the symptoms of candida overgrowth aren’t always straight forward, it can take a long time to obtain an accurate diagnosis. By this point candida is running rampant, and is even more difficult to treat.

Just some of the symptoms of candida overgrowth include:

-       Stomach pain, diarrhea, gas, constipation, distention, nausea, leaky gut

-       Food allergies

-       Histamine intolerance  

-       Allergic Reactions

-       Difficulty losing weight and weight gain

-       Chronic Fatigue

-       Sluggishness

-       Lack of Vitality

-       Mood Disturbance, Depression and Anxiety

-       Hair Loss

-       Skin or Nail Issues

-       Recurring Vaginal or Urinary Tract Infections

-       Sinus Infections

-       Brain Fog

-       Hormonal Imbalance

-       PMS

-       Sleep Disturbance

-       Adrenal Insufficiency

-       Chronic Pain

I can’t tell you how many people I speak to who have done everything to cure candida, but cannot free themselves of this persistent fungus! They religiously follow the diet, take tons of medications and supplements, adhere to every piece of advice from their doctor, and while they may experience improvement, one false move and the symptoms return. It is extremely frustrating.

Enter minerals. Underlying mineral imbalance is common in cases of persistent candida infection. And, it is just as commonly missed. Especially in women, it is not unusual to uncover an underlying mineral imbalance that is preventing the resolution of chronic candida infection. Often, these women are also plagued by hormonal imbalances, like estrogen dominance, and experience extreme chronic fatigue and brain fog.  This is because they are lacking certain minerals that are required by the body, in the right amounts, in order for the immune system, hormones, adrenal glands and mitochondria to function properly.

Arguably, the most important mineral in the fight against candida is copper. Copper is a natural fungicide and is essential in the formation of immune cells that target and kill candida, and prevent it from taking root in the first place. You can take all the medications to rid yourself of candida, but without enough copper, your immune system cannot prevent its return. There are also other essential minerals that promote adequate stomach acid, protein synthesis and food break down, and keep the gut lining healthy and in-tact. Without these minerals the microbiome is compromised, setting the stage for bad entities to flourish.

Sadly, over the years copper imbalance, and other mineral deficiencies have become more prevalent. This is due to modern agricultural practices that are stripping our soils of nutrients, and the use of pesticides that chelate minerals. We are left with foods that have greatly declined in nutrient composition.

Unfortunately, the solution is not as easy as simply supplementing with minerals. Obtaining ideal mineral balance, or mineral ratio, is just as important. Taking minerals blindly (even if you are using products that claim to be in optimal balance) will only make mineral imbalances worse. For instance, some people lack the protein needed to mobilize copper, so even if they take a copper supplement, the body cannot utilize it. This leads to the depletion of other important minerals, further proliferation of candida, and adverse symptom reactions.

The first step in ridding yourself of chronic candida is to determine your current mineral status through hair testing analysis and blood work. Secondly, you must work with a practitioner who understands how to interperate these results and will work with you to optimize your mineral status in the right way.

Mineral balancing could be the missing link in your full and total recovery from candida.

If you are interested in determining your mineral status, please contact Rebecca.


Peptide Bio-regulators for Healthy Aging

by Rebecca Steiner, Health Coach and Peptide Specialist

Peptide bioregulators are a special class of peptides with an interesting history. They were discovered by a Russian professor, Vladimir Khavinson during the Cold War. Khavinson was tasked by the Kremlin with discovering a secret weapon that would bolster and protect the Russian military against diseases, aging, death, and biological weapons. After much research, Khavinson brought to them his answer: peptide Bioregulators.

Peptides are small chains of amino acids naturally made by the human body. Peptides have many functions, and can even communicate with our DNA, turning genes on and off to produce anti-aging effects and reverse disease.

Since Khavinson brought bioregulators to the Russian military, studies have shown that supplementing with these peptides does in fact increase life-span, and prevent degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and heart disease. Additionally, bioregulators can slow the visible signs of aging in skin and hair.

Today Professor Khavinson is the President of the European Academy of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Thanks greatly to his work, peptide therapy has become a cutting-edge anti-aging treatment in the United States as well. Peptides are now specially made in a compounding pharmacy, usually administered by small, subcutaneous injection. They are bio-identical, meaning they are synthesized to be identical to the peptides produced in the human body. This makes them quite safe and natural.

If you are interested in slowing the visible signs of aging, increasing your life-span and preventing degenerative diseases, contact our office to schedule a peptide consultation.

GHK-Cu Peptide: The Botox Alternative

By Rebecca Steiner, Certified Health Coach and Peptide Specialist

GHK-Cu is a copper complex peptide naturally found in human plasma. It has an array of health benefits and anti-aging effects. For instance, it is an essential part of collagen production. As we age, the amount of GHK-Cu we produce declines. In fact, by age 60 we make around 60% less. GHK-Cu is a common ingredient found in anti-aging skin creams, scientifically proven to provide good clinical results. However, administering GHK-Cu via injection allows for far better absorbency and more powerful results. The peptide is administered via a tiny injection in the abdomen that you do at home 1-2 times a day. The benefits of GHK-Cu injections include:

-       Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles

-       Skin regeneration

-       Increased collagen production

-       Stem cell production

-       Reversal of skin thinning

-       Restoration of skin elasticity and firmness

-       Improvement in skin clarity 

-       Softening of rough skin

-       Reduction of hyperpigmentation 

-       UV protection

-       Wound healing/ Tissue repair

-       Hair growth/re-growth/thickening

-       Antioxidant/Anti-inflammatory effects

-       Lowers anxiety and Aggression

-       Neuroprotection

-       Supports cognition 

-       Reduction of inflammation and free radical damage

-       Reduction of gut inflammation 

-       Improvement in pain and pain tolerance

If you are interested in learning more about GHK-Cu, please contact our office for a complimentary 15-minute phone consult. 


Why We Should Stop Saying There is No Cure for Autism

By Rebecca Steiner, Certified Health Coach

 If you are the parent of a child with autism, life can be overwhelming. At times it might even feel impossible. As parents we want the best for our children, but nothing prepares you for raising a child on the spectrum (autism, Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome and other developmental disorders). Parents of special-needs children face unique challenges. Our kids are, quite simply put, not like other kids. They might have a variety of health problems, be a very picky eater, miss developmental milestones, or have extreme outbursts and meltdowns. Many parents don’t know how to navigate these challenges successfully, and many begin to lose hope. 

In your efforts to help your child, you may look to your pediatrician, read books, talk with other parents, or spend hours searching the internet, only to find you are more confused than before. There are a lot question marks and differences of opinion regarding autism: What is it? What causes it? What do we do about it? Some believe there is a genetic component, others think it is caused by vaccines. On one hand, there is a strong social push to stop viewing autism as a handicap and to embrace it as a unique and valuable difference; on the other hand, there are parents, scientists, and doctors who are looking for ways to treat it. I think both viewpoints are correct. 

As a society we need to embrace and accommodate what is beautiful and unique about autism. But we must also do everything we can to improve the condition, so that our children can thrive in the world they were born into. This is not to say there aren’t a lot of positive things about autism. For example, my child has a wonderfully creative way of looking at things, and an exceptional aptitude for language. However, there are also ways that she suffers: from the physical ailments that often accompany autism, to wishing she had the same social abilities as other kids.

I believe that one of the most detrimental, unconscionable actions perpetrated by the government and the larger medical industrial complex, has been their efforts to convince parents that there is no cure for autism. I’m not sure what their vested interest is in taking this stance. We have never stopped searching for a cure for cancer or type 2 diabetes. Perhaps it is easier and cheaper to let parents, and especially mothers, believe autism is their burden to carry alone. If you have a special-needs child, you likely know how hard it can be to obtain the resources and services they need. Most parents have not brought a lawyer to a school conference before, but I know several parents of autistic children who have. If a doctor is willing to treat an autistic child, usually they only mask the problem with harsh prescription drugs, anti-psychotics like resperidone, that can have terrible side effects, but has brought in billions of dollars in revenue. At the same time, parents are trying to just get through the day. It is not uncommon for families to struggle financially because one parent has to quit their job to care for a special-needs child full time. 

We may not have a cure for autism, yet, but there are so many children out there whose lives have been dramatically improved by heroic parents and doctors seeking alternative remedies. Working in health care for many years, I have had the pleasure of witnessing these transformations first hand. I have seen children gain the ability of speech simply by making changing their diet. I have watched kids meet milestones, become social, make friends, grow in height, even lose their diagnosis. There is no mistaking it, these children are happier, healthier and living a richer life. 

What Parents Can Do, and How A Health Coach Can help you

Not every child who gets treatment will come off of the spectrum, but by working with a skilled, biomedical practitioner, you can certainly improve your child’s symptoms and quality of life. Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t easy. Treating autism is not for the faint of heart. If you are already working with a practitioner you probably know this. There are tests, protocols, dietary restrictions, supplements, more supplements, vitamins, and appointments, just to name a few. There is also that one teensy problem of how you are going to get your kid to agree to doing any of those things. It can be overwhelming. This is where a Health Coach who specializes in autism comes in handy. A Health Coach can help you to navigate the ins and outs of the treatment process. For instance:

·       Creating an individualized dietary program, based on your child’s diagnosis, symptoms, food allergies, aversions and genetics

·       Helping you find a medical practitioner, if you do not already have one

·       Providing food ideas, recipes and suggestions for picky eaters

·       Working with you and your doctor to help you implement medical protocols correctly and efficiently

·       Acting as an additional support and liaison for you and your doctor between visits

·       Providing resources and tools

·       Giving you tips and tricks for better compliance from your child

·       Lifestyle recommendations

·       Suggestions for better digestion and gastrointestinal problems 

·       Offering emotional support

 A Health Coach can help you help your child regain their abilities. It may be challenging, but I promise you it is worth it. At 18 months my daughter was diagnosed with autism. Quickly, she lost speech, refused most foods, developed digestive issues, allergies, and tics. She stopped meeting milestones and lacked social interest. She was not growing and her doctors were concerned about her small size. While she has not lost her autism diagnosis, she has now regained her speech, eats a wide variety of foods, makes friends easily, and has mainstreamed into regular school. She is a happy, well-adjusted child. She is growing normally, and many of her health problems have improved. 

Don’t Give up

Do not be discouraged by people who tell you there is no cure for autism. We are making strides all the time, and there have been so many success stories. A cure is out there. But, the scientists and the doctors alone will not find it. It will be the parents who relentlessly, and tirelessly persist, despite the struggles and the adversity who will get us there. Don’t give up hope.  

If you are interested in our Health Coaching services, please contact our office for more information. We offer a free initial 15-minute phone consultation, and in-person and tele-health appointments. 




KPV Peptides: The Natural Candida Cure

By Rebecca Steiner, Health Coach and Peptide Program Manager

It seems like most people struggle with gastro-intestinal candida overgrowth these days. Along with a myriad of troublesome symptoms, for many of my clients the main complaints are primarily gut issues and an inability to lose weight. Candida makes weight loss extremely challenging. The reasons for this are twofold: First, candida feeds off sugar, and it is extremely skilled at telling your brain to give it more of the sweet stuff it needs to survive. Those crazy sugar cravings you are having aren’t really yours, they are the little bugs taking over your brain! Additionally, candida makes it harder to lose weight because it completely hijacks your metabolism. Needless to say, it is extremely frustrating for so many of my clients who are doing everything right, and getting nowhere. 

Even more exasperating is the nightmare of trying to rid your body of this awful infestation. There are a lot of pharmaceutical, dietary, and natural therapies out there, and many of them will work to some extent. But candida is a formidable opponent, and unfortunately, the likelihood of completely eradicating it, in my experience, is uncertain. Additionally, the treatment can sometimes be even worse than the original problem, wreaking havoc on your gut and mental health. 

This is where KPV enters the picture.  KPV is a natural occurring peptide with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory powers. In studies, KPV has been shown to kill C. albicans (the most common strain of candida) with over 99% efficacy. Combining KPV with an anti-candida diet can completely resolve candida overgrowth for many people. Additionally, KPV is a naturally, biologically occurring molecule with anti-inflammatory properties so, it does not produce as many of the troublesome side effects that you get with some of the other candida therapies. 

Along with its candicidal capabilities, KPV has other pretty miraculous abilities, such as reducing SIBO infections, IBS, Ulcerative Colitis and IBD symptoms, minimizing tumors, and generally decreasing inflammation in the body. I personally use KPV for its mast cell stabilizing effects. It can be a game changer for those who are suffering from mold toxicity, pain, allergies, histamine overload, hives, MCAS, and psoriasis. 

Because KPV is an MSH analogue, it interacts with mast cells in your immune system, which when in dysfunction, can result in an overactive immune system, promoting inflammation and the above disease states. Your doctor may also want to combine KPV with other peptides for more targeted results. Amlexanox, Thymosin Alpha 1 and LL-37 can work synergistically with KPV to treat certain infections and chronic pains, fibromyalgia, inflammation, gut issues, and immune dysregulation. 

If you would like to try KPV for yourself, or if you need assistance creating a personalized anti-candida diet, please contact our office to schedule an appointment.

What I Love About Peptides

By Rebecca Steiner, Certified Health Coach and Peptide Specialist

Peptide therapy is one of my favorite tools for anyone who wants to enhance their health, longevity, physical appearance, and overall well-being. What I really love about peptides is that they are natural and very safe (when used correctly and under your doctor’s supervision). Peptides are messenger molecules that our bodies make naturally. They do all sorts of important things, like telling your cells how to function properly, and which hormones to release.  In our clinic, peptide therapy has been a game changer for a lot of people who are seeking support for a wide range conditions, from chronic illnesses like Lyme disease to weight loss and body optimization, and the prevention of degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. In my opinion, there is really no condition that peptides can’t benefit. 

Why Some People Don’t Love Peptides

I occasionally come across clients who have tried peptides without success, or they experienced bad side-effects. Upon further investigation, I learn that they purchased their peptides not through their doctor but from an online vendor. I can’t stress enough how important it is to work with a skilled practitioner who is able to source your peptides from a reputable pharmacy and can design a protocol for you based on your individual needs. No matter what some people may tell you, peptides are NOT a one size fits all product. Additionally, while peptide therapy is quite safe, purchasing peptides online is risky. This is because only doctors have access to compounding pharmacies that are strictly regulated by the FDA, and because peptide practitioners will be the first to know if there are issues with a product or a manufacturer. Peptides that are sold online at discounted prices are at best, a lesser quality and at worst, dangerous for your health. 

Why You’ll Love Peptides

  • Peptides have so many amazing health benefits including:

  • Anti-aging properties

  • Improvement in the look of skin, hair and nails

  • Increased life span

  • Weight loss

  • Lean muscle building

  • Performance enhancing

  • Improved sexual function

  • Increased bone density 

  • Prevention of degenerative diseases

  • Immune system support

  • Wound healing

  • Bone, tissue and muscle repair

  • Neuroprotection 

  • Gut repair 

  • Mood balancing 

  • Improved sleep

  • Antimicrobial effects


 There are lots of different peptides out there, but these are some of my favorites. Keep in mind that many of these peptides work better synergistically, so your practitioner may want to combine, or “stack” them. 

CJC-1295 + Ipamorelin for Weight Loss

As we age, our hormones change, we experience chronic illness and stress, or regularly diet, weight loss becomes more difficult. Our growth hormone production decreases, and our metabolism is no longer working properly. CJC and Ipamorelin are combined in this peptide to improve growth hormone production, and boost and restore the metabolism. It is a small injection that allows for easier weight loss (especially around the midsection) increased lean muscle mass, and overall body optimization. Other benefits include: anti-aging properties, strengthening of the immune system, better sleep, and improvement in the look of hair, skin and nails. The caveat with these peptides is that you must follow a specific diet to really get the full benefit. At our clinic we design a “Peptide Diet Program” so you get the most out of your peptides. 

Amlexanox – For Weight Loss, Seasonal Allergies, and Much More

In my opinion, Amlexanox is the most underrated peptide on the market. It is a very effective, unique, and multifaceted compound, that is taken orally, as a capsule and is reasonably priced. It is usually used for weight loss because it improves glucose control and insulin resistance and reduces HbA1C levels, as well as reducing appetite. I find that it works very well in people with inflammation-related weight gain, because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Amlexanox doesn’t work for everybody. We still don’t know why, but it likely has something to do with genetics. Even though it doesn’t work for everyone, when Amlexanox works, it works very well! I also find that it’s much more effective when stacked with CJC+Ipamorelin. The other amazing thing about Amlexanox is that it has mast cell stabilizing effects. Amlexanox stabilizes mast cells in the body, that when activated, release histamine, therefore, it reduces the levels histamine in the body. I’ve seen Amlexanox work wonders for people with histamine or inflammation-based conditions like; mold toxicity, CIRS, seasonal allergies, food allergies, Gut problems, histamine intolerance, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, and Lyme disease. There is also research showing that it could be useful in the treatment of tumors. 

Thymosin Alpha-1 – For the Immune System

Many people who work with peptides will tell you that if they had to pick only one peptide they could use forever, it would be Thymosin alpha-1. That is because of the incredible effects TA-1 has on the immune system. On one end, it can bolster the immunity of a healthy person, to prevent potential illnesses, and on the other, it can improve chronic conditions like Lyme disease, Autoimmune illness, and even cancer. I personally use TA-1 anytime I get the feeling I’m coming down with something, and I’m usually successful at preventing or limiting the duration of colds and flus. I’ve also had a lot of success stacking TA-1 with CJC+Ipamorelin in people with inflammation, infection, or mold related weight gain. 

Thymosin Beta-4 – For Injury 

TB-4 is a healing peptide that promotes repair and recovery after injury. It is commonly used to treat sports injuries and to promote healing after surgery. TB-4 improves blood flow and reduces inflammation, it also repairs muscles, tendons and ligaments. 

BPC-157 – For Gut Repair, Fitness & Injury

BPC, or Body Protective Compound, is the one peptide that everyone can benefit from, has zero side-effects or contraindications and can, and should, be taken every day of your life. BPC is often used orally for gut repair, and is very helpful in treating ulcers, SIBO, IBS, Leaky Gut Syndrome, C. Difficile, and Ulcerative Colitis. Body builders, or anyone who is looking to make gains in the gym, appreciate the injectable version of BPC for its body repairing benefits. BPC will promote quicker recovery after exercise, faster muscle regeneration, and promotes tissue repair after injury. BPC reduces inflammation and prevents injury from exercise. BPC can also be stacked with TB-4 to accelerate healing pre and post-surgery. It can also repair organs, and has been shown to improve liver function and most importantly, can help prevent hangovers.  


Selank is a natural nootropic and anxiolytic nasal spray, that has been shown to be an effective replacement for pharmaceuticals like Xanax. Selank can improve; anxiety, depression, memory and mental clarity, and is helpful in the treatment of ADHD, Autism, mood disorders, gut problems, histamine intolerance, and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. It also has immune boosting properties and can work synergistically with other peptides to improve weight loss.  The great thing about selank is that unlike pharmaceuticals such as Xanax and valium, it is non-addictive and often allows people to successfully wean off of their prescription medications. 

Epitalon – The Fountain of Youth

Epitalon is probably the most amazing peptide there is, because it is literally the fountain of youth placed inside of a tiny injection. Epitalon will make you live longer and have you looking better. Unfortunately, it is also quite expensive, and can be cost prohibitive for many people. Epitalon has been shown, through scientific research, to increase lifespan and prevent degenerative diseases, by increasing telomere length. Telomeres are the ends of a chromosome, and the protective parts of our DNA. They make sure our cells divide properly. The longer the telomere strands are, the better the cell health. Each time a cell divides, the telomere becomes shorter, so as we age, the length of our telomeres inevitably shorten. Epitalon will lengthen these telomeres, resulting in longer life span and the delay and prevention of degenerative diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and dementia. Epitalon will also help prevent skin aging, and it improves sleep. For best results, Epitalon should be administered as a small injection, twice per year, for three years. 

If you are interested in scheduling a peptide consultation, please contact our office!

Infertility – Could it be Parasites?

By Sangita Pedro, ND

The digestive system is the foundation of human health. Digestion of food provides nutrients to build hormones, immunoglobulins, and neurotransmitters. It is also where the body rids itself of toxins, used hormones and excess cholesterol. 

Digestion requires more daily energy than any other system in the body, but it also absorbs the nutrients needed to keep the system running. It is a graceful, elegant system and when it is working well, we experience health and vitality. And when any part of the digestive system – stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder or pancreas – becomes overburdened, we feel it, we just don’t always pay attention to it.

There are many ways in which our digestive system can become overburdened and many signs and symptoms that tell us what is happening. The most common burdens I see in my clinical practice are SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) yeast overgrowth and intestinal parasites.  Sometimes alone and sometimes all together!

Some early symptoms of these conditions include heartburn or reflux, tightness in the chest, coughing, runny nose, sneezing or skin flushing after eating, abdominal bloating, gas, constipation, loose stools or diarrhea. You don’t have to experience these symptoms all the time for there to be a problem. 

SIBO and yeast overgrowth (ie. Candida) are fairly well-known diagnoses, especially among patients with overt gastrointestinal symptoms but parasites are regarded as rare and only really a problem in developing nations.

There are many myths about parasites but the three I come across most frequently are:

1.     Parasites cause diarrhea and I am constipated so I can’t have parasites.

2.     I have never been outside the US so I can’t have parasites.

3.     Parasites make you lose weight, and I can’t lose weight so I can’t have parasites.

All false! It is true that some acute parasitic infections, like Giardia, cause diarrhea and weight loss but chronic infections more commonly cause constipation and weight gain. And although travel outside the US along with history of food poisoning increases the likelihood of parasites it is by no means necessary. Food poisoning happens in the US all the time and outbreaks of Giardia and Cryptosporidium happen in municipal water supplies every year in the US. 

So how are parasites linked to infertility?

Parasites eat your food, cause inflammation in the intestinal lining and decrease absorption of nutrients. This depletes you slowly, over many years, of the nutrients you need to build hormones. Low hormones make it difficult to conceive and maintain a pregnancy. 

Parasites, especially worms, excrete estrogen-like substances that block receptors and confuse our hormonal system. The toxins they excrete also impair the body’s ability to get rid of used estrogens properly. Those used estrogens are accidentally recycled, creating further imbalance in our hormonal system. 

Another reason parasites are quickly disregarded is they are very difficult to find on stools tests. 

Parasites adhere very tightly to the gut lining and therefore are not scraped off easily during bowel movements. They also have life cycles; periods of relative quiet when they are reproducing and periods of greater activity or growth which means you have to get lucky and collect a sample in a more active, plentiful stage. And last but not least, parasites are smart. They have learned to keep their population below the threshold of our innate immune system response. If their numbers get too high and break that threshold, our immune system will see them and kill them. 

If you are experiencing unexplained infertility or have in the past, you might have some unwanted travelers in your gut sapping you of your nutrients. Find a practitioner who understands parasites so you can take back your vitality and fertility!

Peptide Therapy for Men: The Secret to Vitality at Any Age

By Rebecca Steiner, Certified Health Coach and Medical Assistant

As we age, we begin to experience a decline in how our body looks and functions. For men this can mean a lower libido, decreased lean muscle mass, decreased strength, energy, and weight gain. Fortunately, there is a way to prevent and even reverse these undesirable symptoms of aging. Peptides have been shown to exert incredible anti-aging effects that include:

·       Improvement in erectile dysfunction 

·       Reduced body fat (especially around the midsection)

·       Increased lean muscle mass 

·       Greater strength, endurance, energy and stamina 

·       Faster recovery after exercise 

·       Quicker healing from injury

·       Improvement in the look of hair and skin 

·       Neurological protection 

·       Prevention of degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s 

·       Better memory

·       Deeper Sleep 

·       Reduced inflammation 

·       Increased bone density and prevention of osteoporosis

·       Boosting of the immune system 

·       Increased life-span 

·       Improved mood 

Peptides are amino acids that naturally occur within the body. Peptide therapy, is a safe, natural and effective way to augment these small, important proteins, to significantly improve the bodily processes that diminish with age. 

Peptides are usually administered at home via a very small, relatively painless, subcutaneous injection. Talk with us about which peptides will help you to achieve your optimal health, vitality and strength, at any age.  




Intestinal Parasites: Tiny Bugs, Big Problem

Everyone is exposed to parasites through food and water, even in the U.S. and for some people those generally benign parasites, can stick around for decades and cause a multitude of health problems including infertility, hormonal imbalance, every type of gut issue including diarrhea and constipation, insomnia, brain fog and much more.

In this talk Dr. Pedro will cover symptoms of acute and chronic parasitic infections and how to get rid of them. She will also go over the other toxins and infections commonly associated with parasitic infection including yeast overgrowth and mycotoxin illness.

There will be time at the end for questions and the talk will be recorded so you can listen to it any time.

Wednesday, February 24th, 2021

6:45 - 8pm Pacific Time

Please email Dr. Pedro at if you would like to join this free talk. A Zoom link will be sent out the day before the event.

Mold & Mycotoxins: Understanding Their Impact On Our Health - A Free Webinar with Dr. Sangita Pedro on Wednesday, January 27th

Mold is everywhere but when it gets trapped in our houses, cars and offices, it can cause a multitude of physical symptoms including headaches, blurry vision, hormonal disruption, weight gain, skin rashes, insomnia, IBS/IBD and other gut dysfunction, numbness, tingling, muscle weakness and fatigue, to name just a few.

Join Dr. Sangita Pedro for this introductory talk on the difference between mold and mycotoxins, where they live, how they get into our bodies and how to get rid of them.

The Zoom link for this presentation is below. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation. The webinar will be recorded and a link will be sent out after the event for anyone who missed it or just wants to watch it again.

Join Zoom Meeting: Wednesday, January 27th 6:45 - 8:00pm

Meeting ID: 878 0337 3338

Passcode: 107854