Mold and Mycotoxins - A Webinar with Dr. Sangita Pedro

Mold and Mycotoxins and their Impact on our Health

Mold is everywhere, so why is it a problem? Mold is an important part of our outdoor environment but when it gets trapped inside our homes, schools and offices it becomes a problem. Our sinuses filter out mold spores, and the mycotoxins they produce, from the air we breathe. This causes sinus. lung and gut issues. If the mold levels are high (and you are sensitive) the symptoms can go even further to include brain fog, heart racing or palpitations, dizziness, ringing in the ears, insomnia, nerve pain/numbness/tingling, restless legs, and much more. As our buildings age, mold is becoming a big problem with far-reaching impacts on our health.

Join Dr. Pedro for this talk with Q&A to learn more about how mold might be affecting you and your family.

Thursday, April 13th, 2023 from 6:30-8pm.
Zoom link for registration:

Copper Imbalance – An American Epidemic

By Rebecca Steiner, Holistic Health Coach and Peptide Therapy Specialist


About Copper Imbalance:

Copper imbalance might be the biggest epidemic in our country, that nobody’s heard about. Copper is an essential mineral that is, without exaggeration, needed to live. Copper is required for ATP energy production, cell function, immune function, collagen formation, iron utilization, oxygen transportation, and much more.

Clearly the body needs copper to function. But copper must be functioning properly too. It must remain at just the right levels. It must not get too low, or too high, or lose its ability to move freely (becoming bio-unavailable). When copper gets out of balance it can lead to all sorts symptoms and disease processes, and yet it is often missed or misdiagnosed. The main reason for this is because copper imbalance rarely shows up in bloodwork, since it is mainly stored in tissues. Blood levels can look normal, even when there is copper deficiency or toxicity.


Copper can act like a heavy metal, accumulating in tissues and organs and impairing their function. Many times, symptoms of copper dysregulation are related to systems of the body where copper is being stored. Common areas of copper storage are: the brain, liver, kidneys, and reproductive organs. So copper dysregulation may show up as depression, or headaches if it is accumulating in the brain, or endometriosis or infertility, if accumulating in the uterus. Copper dysregulation symptoms may also impact immune system and gastrointestinal function, or show up as iron deficiency, or B12 anemia.

Copper toxicity, insufficiency, and bio-unavailability can also cause:

  • Acne

  • Adrenal Fatigue

  • Allergies

  • Anemia

  • Anorexia

  • Anxiety

  • Arthritis

  • Asthma

  • Attention Deficit Disorder

  • Autism

  • Autoimmune Disorders

  • Behavioral Problems in Children

  • Bipolar (Manic Depression)

  • Brittle Nails or White Spots on Nails

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Chronic Digestive Disorders: Acid Reflux, GERD, SIBO, Indigestion, Constipation, Diarrhea, Bloating, Nausea, Vomiting 

  • Chronic Infections, Bacterial, Viral or Fungal

  • Chronic Yeast Infections, Vaginitis, UTI’s or Chronic Candida Overgrowth

  • Depression, Apathy

  • Dry Skin or Hair

  • Dysmenorrhea

  • Early Aging

  • Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

  • Estrogen Dominance, or Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance

  • Feeling like you’re “Wired but Tired”

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Fluroquinolone Poisoning – both predisposing one to poisoning, and worsening of symptoms associated with the condition

  • Food, Environmental, and Chemical Sensitivities 

  • Gastritis

  • Getting sick all the time/Never Getting Sick

  • Hair loss

  • Hoshimotos

  • Hypertension

  • Hypotension

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Hyperthyroidism

  • Immune Dysregulation

  • Infertility

  • Insomnia

  • Irregular Periods

  • Learning Disabilities

  • Loose Skin

  • Lyme Disease – that persists despite treatment

  • Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

  • Memory Problems

  • Mental and Mood Disorders

  • Migraines, Headaches (primarily located at the front of the head and behind the eyes.)

  • Miscarriage

  • Mold Toxicity and Mold Sensitivity

  • Neuralgia (nerve pain)

  • Osteoporosis

  • Parasites

  • PCOS, Fibroids, Uterine Cysts, Endometriosis

  • POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)

  • Poor Collagen Production

  • PMS (bad cramps, mood swings, water retention)

  • Racing thoughts that can lead to insomnia

  • Schizophrenia

  • Sciatica

  • Worse hangover from alcohol or Alcohol Sensitivity

Not only is copper imbalance commonly misdiagnosed, it is also often missed because it is hidden by chronic illnesses like Lyme, mold toxicity, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, candida, parasites, and EBV. Because copper plays such an important role in the immune system, if it is not functioning properly, we become more susceptible to chronic infections.


But what causes copper imbalance? There can be many causes, but the two biggest are; modern agricultural practices and the increasing ubiquity of female birth control. The way that we grow food in this country depletes the soils over time. As the years go by fewer minerals and nutrients make it into our food. This includes grass, and grass-fed animals too. So, we get less copper, or less of other minerals and vitamins we need to keep copper in check. In addition, GMO’s, pesticides, and even “natural” pesticides like copper sulfate are detrimental to the delicate mineral balance of the body. Ultimately, we can end up with too little, or too much copper. When we get too much copper, it acts like estrogen in the body. Combine this with naturally occurring estrogen, and the growing number of young women prescribed hormonal (and copper) birth control, and you have a recipe for a copper toxicity epidemic.

Since women naturally have more estrogen, copper overload from birth control, or other sources, tips the scales, leading to hormonal imbalances like; estrogen dominance, acne, PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, and miscarriage.

Copper dysfunction in women should be suspected when the onset or worsening of symptoms coincides with puberty, early adulthood, or if symptoms increase around menses. It should also be considered in women with symptoms of copper toxicity who have used any form of birth control, at any point in life, including progestin and the copper IUD, which have been shown to elevate copper levels. That being said, men and boys can experience copper toxicity or deficiency too. One reason being that it can be passed from mom to baby in the womb. In young boys it often presents as behavioral problems, poor impulse control, learning disabilities, mental disorders, or developmental disabilities.   

Other sources of copper toxicity or dysregulation include:

·       Breast Milk

·       B Vitamin Insufficiency

·       Chronic Gastrointestinal Disorders

·       Copper Cookware and Dishes

·       Copper Piping in the Home

·       Fluorinated and Chlorinated Drinking and Bathing Water

·       Eating Disorders

·       Fluoride Used in Dental Procedures

·       Genetic Mutations

·       Gestational (transmission from mom to fetus)

·       Medications

·       Infant Formula

·       Lack of Vitamin A from Animal Sources in the Diet

·       Other Mineral Imbalances

·       Swimming Pools, Hot Tubs (treated with copper)

·       Supplementing with copper, zinc, vitamin C, and citrate, or using zinc sulfate sunscreen, without knowing your mineral levels

·       Vegetarian or Vegan Diets

·       Water Contamination

Testing and Treatment:

If you suspect you are suffering from copper dysfunction, it is extremely important to work with a practitioner who has experience in diagnosis and treatment.

As stated above, copper dysregulation is very difficult to find through blood work, so alternative forms of testing are needed, and in some cases, clinical diagnosis is required.

Treatment will be based on a person’s individual mineral balances, and symptoms, and usually consists of supplementing methodically with specific vitamins and minerals. It can take anywhere from 3-12 months, and in some cases up to 3 years, to correct copper imbalance. With proper diagnosis and treatment, health can be restored.

If you are interested in learning more about copper dysfunction or mineral balancing, please contact me: or schedule an appointment:



Why Mineral Balance is Essential for Curing Chronic Candida Overgrowth

By Rebecca Steiner, Peptide Program Manager and Certified Health Coach

Many of my clients have suffered for years with symptoms of candida overgrowth. Symptom type and severity ranges greatly, and can severely impact quality of life. Making matters worse, because the symptoms of candida overgrowth aren’t always straight forward, it can take a long time to obtain an accurate diagnosis. By this point candida is running rampant, and is even more difficult to treat.

Just some of the symptoms of candida overgrowth include:

-       Stomach pain, diarrhea, gas, constipation, distention, nausea, leaky gut

-       Food allergies

-       Histamine intolerance  

-       Allergic Reactions

-       Difficulty losing weight and weight gain

-       Chronic Fatigue

-       Sluggishness

-       Lack of Vitality

-       Mood Disturbance, Depression and Anxiety

-       Hair Loss

-       Skin or Nail Issues

-       Recurring Vaginal or Urinary Tract Infections

-       Sinus Infections

-       Brain Fog

-       Hormonal Imbalance

-       PMS

-       Sleep Disturbance

-       Adrenal Insufficiency

-       Chronic Pain

I can’t tell you how many people I speak to who have done everything to cure candida, but cannot free themselves of this persistent fungus! They religiously follow the diet, take tons of medications and supplements, adhere to every piece of advice from their doctor, and while they may experience improvement, one false move and the symptoms return. It is extremely frustrating.

Enter minerals. Underlying mineral imbalance is common in cases of persistent candida infection. And, it is just as commonly missed. Especially in women, it is not unusual to uncover an underlying mineral imbalance that is preventing the resolution of chronic candida infection. Often, these women are also plagued by hormonal imbalances, like estrogen dominance, and experience extreme chronic fatigue and brain fog.  This is because they are lacking certain minerals that are required by the body, in the right amounts, in order for the immune system, hormones, adrenal glands and mitochondria to function properly.

Arguably, the most important mineral in the fight against candida is copper. Copper is a natural fungicide and is essential in the formation of immune cells that target and kill candida, and prevent it from taking root in the first place. You can take all the medications to rid yourself of candida, but without enough copper, your immune system cannot prevent its return. There are also other essential minerals that promote adequate stomach acid, protein synthesis and food break down, and keep the gut lining healthy and in-tact. Without these minerals the microbiome is compromised, setting the stage for bad entities to flourish.

Sadly, over the years copper imbalance, and other mineral deficiencies have become more prevalent. This is due to modern agricultural practices that are stripping our soils of nutrients, and the use of pesticides that chelate minerals. We are left with foods that have greatly declined in nutrient composition.

Unfortunately, the solution is not as easy as simply supplementing with minerals. Obtaining ideal mineral balance, or mineral ratio, is just as important. Taking minerals blindly (even if you are using products that claim to be in optimal balance) will only make mineral imbalances worse. For instance, some people lack the protein needed to mobilize copper, so even if they take a copper supplement, the body cannot utilize it. This leads to the depletion of other important minerals, further proliferation of candida, and adverse symptom reactions.

The first step in ridding yourself of chronic candida is to determine your current mineral status through hair testing analysis and blood work. Secondly, you must work with a practitioner who understands how to interperate these results and will work with you to optimize your mineral status in the right way.

Mineral balancing could be the missing link in your full and total recovery from candida.

If you are interested in determining your mineral status, please contact Rebecca.


KPV Peptides: The Natural Candida Cure

By Rebecca Steiner, Health Coach and Peptide Program Manager

It seems like most people struggle with gastro-intestinal candida overgrowth these days. Along with a myriad of troublesome symptoms, for many of my clients the main complaints are primarily gut issues and an inability to lose weight. Candida makes weight loss extremely challenging. The reasons for this are twofold: First, candida feeds off sugar, and it is extremely skilled at telling your brain to give it more of the sweet stuff it needs to survive. Those crazy sugar cravings you are having aren’t really yours, they are the little bugs taking over your brain! Additionally, candida makes it harder to lose weight because it completely hijacks your metabolism. Needless to say, it is extremely frustrating for so many of my clients who are doing everything right, and getting nowhere. 

Even more exasperating is the nightmare of trying to rid your body of this awful infestation. There are a lot of pharmaceutical, dietary, and natural therapies out there, and many of them will work to some extent. But candida is a formidable opponent, and unfortunately, the likelihood of completely eradicating it, in my experience, is uncertain. Additionally, the treatment can sometimes be even worse than the original problem, wreaking havoc on your gut and mental health. 

This is where KPV enters the picture.  KPV is a natural occurring peptide with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory powers. In studies, KPV has been shown to kill C. albicans (the most common strain of candida) with over 99% efficacy. Combining KPV with an anti-candida diet can completely resolve candida overgrowth for many people. Additionally, KPV is a naturally, biologically occurring molecule with anti-inflammatory properties so, it does not produce as many of the troublesome side effects that you get with some of the other candida therapies. 

Along with its candicidal capabilities, KPV has other pretty miraculous abilities, such as reducing SIBO infections, IBS, Ulcerative Colitis and IBD symptoms, minimizing tumors, and generally decreasing inflammation in the body. I personally use KPV for its mast cell stabilizing effects. It can be a game changer for those who are suffering from mold toxicity, pain, allergies, histamine overload, hives, MCAS, and psoriasis. 

Because KPV is an MSH analogue, it interacts with mast cells in your immune system, which when in dysfunction, can result in an overactive immune system, promoting inflammation and the above disease states. Your doctor may also want to combine KPV with other peptides for more targeted results. Amlexanox, Thymosin Alpha 1 and LL-37 can work synergistically with KPV to treat certain infections and chronic pains, fibromyalgia, inflammation, gut issues, and immune dysregulation. 

If you would like to try KPV for yourself, or if you need assistance creating a personalized anti-candida diet, please contact our office to schedule an appointment.

Infertility – Could it be Parasites?

By Sangita Pedro, ND

The digestive system is the foundation of human health. Digestion of food provides nutrients to build hormones, immunoglobulins, and neurotransmitters. It is also where the body rids itself of toxins, used hormones and excess cholesterol. 

Digestion requires more daily energy than any other system in the body, but it also absorbs the nutrients needed to keep the system running. It is a graceful, elegant system and when it is working well, we experience health and vitality. And when any part of the digestive system – stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder or pancreas – becomes overburdened, we feel it, we just don’t always pay attention to it.

There are many ways in which our digestive system can become overburdened and many signs and symptoms that tell us what is happening. The most common burdens I see in my clinical practice are SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) yeast overgrowth and intestinal parasites.  Sometimes alone and sometimes all together!

Some early symptoms of these conditions include heartburn or reflux, tightness in the chest, coughing, runny nose, sneezing or skin flushing after eating, abdominal bloating, gas, constipation, loose stools or diarrhea. You don’t have to experience these symptoms all the time for there to be a problem. 

SIBO and yeast overgrowth (ie. Candida) are fairly well-known diagnoses, especially among patients with overt gastrointestinal symptoms but parasites are regarded as rare and only really a problem in developing nations.

There are many myths about parasites but the three I come across most frequently are:

1.     Parasites cause diarrhea and I am constipated so I can’t have parasites.

2.     I have never been outside the US so I can’t have parasites.

3.     Parasites make you lose weight, and I can’t lose weight so I can’t have parasites.

All false! It is true that some acute parasitic infections, like Giardia, cause diarrhea and weight loss but chronic infections more commonly cause constipation and weight gain. And although travel outside the US along with history of food poisoning increases the likelihood of parasites it is by no means necessary. Food poisoning happens in the US all the time and outbreaks of Giardia and Cryptosporidium happen in municipal water supplies every year in the US. 

So how are parasites linked to infertility?

Parasites eat your food, cause inflammation in the intestinal lining and decrease absorption of nutrients. This depletes you slowly, over many years, of the nutrients you need to build hormones. Low hormones make it difficult to conceive and maintain a pregnancy. 

Parasites, especially worms, excrete estrogen-like substances that block receptors and confuse our hormonal system. The toxins they excrete also impair the body’s ability to get rid of used estrogens properly. Those used estrogens are accidentally recycled, creating further imbalance in our hormonal system. 

Another reason parasites are quickly disregarded is they are very difficult to find on stools tests. 

Parasites adhere very tightly to the gut lining and therefore are not scraped off easily during bowel movements. They also have life cycles; periods of relative quiet when they are reproducing and periods of greater activity or growth which means you have to get lucky and collect a sample in a more active, plentiful stage. And last but not least, parasites are smart. They have learned to keep their population below the threshold of our innate immune system response. If their numbers get too high and break that threshold, our immune system will see them and kill them. 

If you are experiencing unexplained infertility or have in the past, you might have some unwanted travelers in your gut sapping you of your nutrients. Find a practitioner who understands parasites so you can take back your vitality and fertility!

Intestinal Parasites: Tiny Bugs, Big Problem

Everyone is exposed to parasites through food and water, even in the U.S. and for some people those generally benign parasites, can stick around for decades and cause a multitude of health problems including infertility, hormonal imbalance, every type of gut issue including diarrhea and constipation, insomnia, brain fog and much more.

In this talk Dr. Pedro will cover symptoms of acute and chronic parasitic infections and how to get rid of them. She will also go over the other toxins and infections commonly associated with parasitic infection including yeast overgrowth and mycotoxin illness.

There will be time at the end for questions and the talk will be recorded so you can listen to it any time.

Wednesday, February 24th, 2021

6:45 - 8pm Pacific Time

Please email Dr. Pedro at if you would like to join this free talk. A Zoom link will be sent out the day before the event.

ALPHA-GAL Syndrome

by Rebecca Steiner, Naturopathic Medical Assistant and Certified Health Coach

Alpha-gal syndrome is an allergic reaction to beef and other mammals including; lamb, pork and bison. Alpha-gal syndrome causes many troubling symptoms, including; potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis, itching, hives, severe stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, arthritis, and chronic fatigue. 

Alpha-gal syndrome is often missed or misdiagnosed due to its uniqueness from other allergies. Unlike other food allergies, symptoms don’t appear right away, but happen hours after the allergen has been ingested, making it much less likely for someone to make the connection between their symptoms and the offending food. Scientists suspect the reason for this delayed response is that animal fat digests at a slower rate than other foods, like peanuts for example, and so it takes longer for the allergic response to occur. Many patients report attacks that wake them up in the middle of the night or early in the morning, hours after eating. 

What makes alpha-gal allergy even more mysterious is that symptoms vary from person to person, and even from day to day. While someone may develop a severe “allergic” reaction that includes anaphylaxis, hives, itching, and maybe even a trip to the Emergency Room, another could only experience abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea. In addition, someone may have a severe life-threatening reaction from one exposure to meat, and no reaction the next time. 

Alpha-gal syndrome includes some, or all of the following symptoms:

  • Anaphylaxis

  • Hives

  • Flushing

  • Stuffiness

  • Itching (especially palms of hands and soles of feet)

  • Swollen tongue, lips or eyelids 

  • Difficulty Breathing, coughing, wheezing, sneezing

  • Drop in blood pressure

  • Weak Pulse

  • Racing Heartrate

  • Anxiety

  • Dizziness

  • Fainting

  • Vertigo

  • Itchy ears

  • Severe abdominal pain

  • Diarrhea 

  • Constipation

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Edema

  • Arthritis 

  • Joint Pain

  • Rash

  • Psoriasis 

  • Fatigue

  • Gynecological Symptoms 

  • Worse reaction/ Hangover from alcohol 

Alpha-gal is short for galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose, an oligosaccharide sugar molecule that is not present in humans or great apes, but is found in all other mammals. 

Alpha-gal allergy is believed to be acquired from a tick bite. 

Research is still underway, but it is theorized that alpha-gal is transmitted from the saliva of a tick that feeds on mammals like deer. When the tick later attaches to a human it transmits the alpha-gal sugar from the animal into the bloodstream of the human host. Some people develop an IgE response when their immune system tries to defend against this foreign molecule. From that point on, meat consumption results in an allergic reaction. Sensitive people may also react to the alpha-gal molecule in dairy, medications, skincare, beauty products, vaccines, and supplements that contain mammalian byproducts. It is even possible to have an allergic reaction to inhalation of fumes from cooking meat, or from cross contamination of utensils and cookware. In addition, some people develop an allergic reaction to the common food additive carrageen, which has a similar chemical structure to alpha-gal. 

Unfortunately, most people who develop AGS suffer for years before receiving a proper diagnosis. On average it takes 7 years for someone to be diagnosed. Often medical practitioners are not aware of the condition, or believe it is a problem limited to the south eastern United States. 

While AGS is most prevalent in the south eastern regions of the United States, cases have been reported all over the US, and in parts of Europe, Australia and Asia. While it was previously thought that alpha-gal could only be transmitted from the bite of the Lone Star tick (which inhabits the South eastern United States) data now suggests that other ticks may transmit alpha-gal as well. For example, researchers have determined that the European Ixodes tick carries the alpha-gal molecule. Additionally, it is now believed that the Lone Star tick is more widely distributed across the country than previously thought. Scientists also predict that while the Lone Star tick prefers warmer climates, due to ongoing climate change, their distribution will only increase over time. 

Alpha-gal syndrome can be detected with a simple blood test, and a thorough clinical evaluation. Some people may falsely test negative, which is why it is so important to work with a skilled and knowledgeable practitioner. 

There is currently no cure for alpha-gal syndrome, although some people do lose their diagnosis over time. The only solution is to completely avoid all mammal products. Easier said than done given that food and drug manufacturers are not required to include this information on labels. It can also be difficult to tell from a list of ingredients if a product contains alpha-gal because it could be hiding behind confusing names. A few of the many common mammal-derived ingredients found in everything from foods, to over the counter and prescription medications includes: gelatin, glycerin, lactose, magnesium stearate, stearic acid and natural flavorings.

If you have AGS, a Certified Health Coach, like myself, can help you navigate the challenging dietary and lifestyle changes that will be necessary to avoid a potentially life-threatening exposure. Working together we can create a plan that works for you. If you think you may have alpha-gal syndrome please reach out to our clinic for more information and helpful resources.

Healing with the AMPCoil

by Rebecca Steiner, Naturopathic Medical Assistant and Certified Health Coach 

Every cell in our body carries with it an electromagnetic charge, or electromagnetic frequency. There is an optimum frequency at which our cells must vibrate in order to maintain prime function and performance- or vibrational homeostasis. Our cells also exchange these electromagnetic charges with one another. Our bodies are ultimately powered by all of these electromagnetic exchanges that occur in, and between cells. When cells are damaged through chronic insults, from things like; infections, heavy metals, Lyme disease, environmental toxins etc., their vibrational frequency becomes impaired. As a result, the cells do not function optimally and every organ of the body is negatively affected.  

AmpCoil or PEMF therapy (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy) promotes whole-being wellness and harmony, as it basically “retunes” the body by outputting electromagnetic frequencies that are generated through a modified tesla, or bioresonance coil, to restore the optimal vibrational frequency of the damaged cells. 

The bioresonance coil, or AmpCoil is placed on the body while the patient relaxes in a chair. A tablet that contains a software program prompts the coil to pulsate in a unique pattern at the desired vibrational frequencies for healing. A “voice print” (a recording of your voice with the tablet) allows the software program to tailor the electromagnetic frequencies to address your individual health deficits and needs and works to harmonize your physical, mental and emotional well-being. These specified frequencies pulse through the coil, into your body, and around your cells to improve blood flow, oxygen, nutrient transportation, and detoxification, while simultaneously neutralizing foreign invaders, like microbes and viruses. 

Ampcoil therapy is a natural, safe, gentle and effective treatment for many chronic conditions including:

·      Lyme Disease and Associated Infections 

·      Heavy Metal, Mold, or Environmental toxicity

·      Thyroid Imbalance

·      Autism

·      Digestive Issues

·      Fibromyalgia

·      Sleep Disorders

·      Arthritis

·      Autoimmune Disease

·      Hormonal Imbalance

·      Anxiety, Depression

·      Parasites

·      Candida

·      Viruses

For many chronic illnesses, using the Ampcoil for three months can produce significant effects, reducing illness and symptoms and restoring general well-being. 

If you are interested in improving your health and wellness with PEMF therapy, contact our clinic. We offer weekly sessions and can also guide you through personalized treatment programs. Packages are also available.

Visit to explore the proven effects of PEMFs and their applications.



Tick Bites: Prevention and Treatment

By Rebecca Steiner, Naturopathic Medical Assistant and Certified Health Coach

Tick Bite Prevention

The best medicine is prevention. To prevent a tick bite:

  • Avoid tall grassy areas

  • Avoid logs and wood piles

  • Avoid leaf litter

  • Do regular tick checks of yourself and your pets

  • Wear protective clothing

  • On hikes, walk in the middle of the trail 

  • Use essential oils of lemon and eucalyptus  

More Details: 

  • To prevent a tick bite, especially during the warmer months, it is best to avoid tick habitats, such as grassy areas, leaf litter, logs and wood piles. 

  • If you do engage in outdoor activities where you might be exposed, protect yourself by wearing light colored clothing, long sleeved shirts and pants and tucking your pant legs into your socks. 

  • It may also be helpful to rub essential oils of lemon and eucalyptus into the skin as a natural tick repellent. 

  • Finally, do a thorough tick check during and after your activities. Scan your whole body, check your scalp and behind your ears. 

  • Don’t forget to check your pets! When you return home, take a shower and wash your hair. 

Tick Removal:

If you are bitten by a tick, there are specific steps you can take to minimize the risk of the transmission of Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections:

  • Purchase pointy tweezers or a “Tick Key”

The only safe way to remove a tick is with a “Tick Key” (which can be purchased online) or with pointy-tipped tweezers. Do not use standard household tweezers with blunt edges. Purchase one of these tick removal tools to have on hand, in your home, and to carry on hikes, camping, and other outdoor activities. 

If you are bitten, remove the tick by placing your tweezers (or tick key) as close to the skin as possible and around the head of the tick. Pull firmly, slowly, steadily and directly up. Try to avoid breaking the tick. 

Never attempt to remove a tick with matches, nail polish remover, or other substances. Do not twist or squeeze the tick.  

Once you have removed the tick, disinfect the area of the bite with soap and warm water and wash your hands.  

Tick Testing:

Contrary to popular belief, a tick does not have to be attached to the skin for an extended period of time to transmit infection to a human host. Once the tick has attached, there is a risk of infection. 

  • Have your tick tested through Tick Report

Place the tick in a ziplock bag along with a moist cotton ball, tissue, or green leaf. DO NOT freeze the tick. It is recommended to put the ziplock bag inside a second ziplock bag as ticks have been known to escape. 

Send your tick to the laboratory for testing.  

Go online to order your test and receive shipping instructions:   

You must order the “Comprehensive Package,” which tests for more of the infections ticks carry in our area.  The cost of testing the tick is $200. 

See a Doctor:

  • Contact our clinic immediately for a “Tick Check” appointment

After a tick bite it is essential to be seen by a Lyme literate doctor as soon as possible, as you will need to be evaluated. Prophylactic treatment or testing will be administered, if needed. Do not wait for the results of your tick report. You do not have to have a Bull’s Eye rash to have contracted a tick-borne illness from a tick bite. By seeing a doctor you are preventing the dissemination of infection and avoiding the risk of long-term, chronic illness. 

Mycoplasma: More Than Just Walking Pneumonia

By Sangita Pedro, ND

Jesse, a 36 year old man, came to me complaining of extreme fatigue, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea and insomnia. These symptoms had been present for over five years. He had previously been diagnosed with Babesia and high levels of antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus. He was treated for these two infections by multiple doctors over a five-year period with no improvement in his symptoms.

The most recent treatment included Mepron (a malaria drug used to treat Babesia) and Valtrex (prescription antiviral medication) daily for six months. The treatment was stopped because his liver was showing signs of inflammation. Blood tests at this point showed a decrease in Babesia and an increase in EBV antibodies and all of his symptoms were worse.  

As you can imagine, Jesse was more than frustrated and ready to give up. I suggested we test for Mycoplasma, a common Lyme co-infection and the stealthiest of stealth microbes. The test came back positive which proved to be the key to a protocol that ultimately gave him his life back.

Stealth microbes are organisms that have developed mechanisms to hide from the hosts’ immune system thereby avoiding detection and death. Mycoplasma does this in two ways: by being very tiny and by lacking a cell wall.

Mycoplasma are the smallest microbes known (at least for now). 4,000 Mycoplasma can fit inside a single red blood cell; 10-15 typical bacteria would fit inside that same red blood cell. Most of their very tiny space is used to carry host genetic information. There is no space left to manufacture nutrients, making Mycoplasma a very small but very effective parasite.

Because they cannot make nutrients themselves, they must scavenge fatty acids, proteins, and carbohydrates from their host in order to survive. This is why people infected with mycoplasma become depleted and fatigued..

Their lack of a cell wall allows them to change form quickly (better for hiding) and squeeze into places that are off limits to other microbes such as red and white blood cells and brain tissue. It also makes them resistant to antibiotics especially in chronic, systemic infections.  

In chronic infections, Mycoplasma are not free-floating in the blood (where the antibiotics are). They live in tissues, hidden from the main blood supply of the host, and protected from the potentially lethal antibiotics.

Mycoplasma can be contracted through air droplets (as in cases of walking pneumonia), tick bites, sexual contact and contaminated food. Each species of Mycoplasma has a preference for certain parts of the body, but they are not picky. All species have the potential to infect all areas of the body if given the opportunity.

Mycoplasma is common in the environment, so most of us have been exposed at some point in our lives. This is not a problem for a healthy immune system. The body creates antibodies to it and effectively eliminates it in 1-3 months.

In some cases, small amounts of Mycoplasma remain behind but don’t cause symptoms until the immune system is weakened. That weakening can be caused by chronic stress, poor diet, toxic exposure and/or infection with other stealth pathogens like Lyme and its various co-infections.

A weakened immune system allows Mycoplasma to begin to multiply and create inflammation which can cause a variety of symptoms in nearly every area of the body. Some common symptoms include fatigue, headaches, brain fog, diarrhea, constipation, weakness, joint and muscle pain, insomnia, and anxiety.

Because Mycoplasma can also be transmitted through a tick bite, there may be no history of respiratory problems. And because ticks can be as small as the head of a pin, most people have no memory of a tick bite.

How someone originally became infected with Mycoplasma is less important that their current symptom picture which tells you where the microbes are living and what needs to be treated.

Because Mycoplasma is a parasite, good nutrition is the foundation of every treatment plan with a diet high in protein and fatty acids and low in carbohydrates. Decreasing inflammation, protecting and healing affected tissues, and improving immune function are essential to eradicating Mycoplasma from the body. This can be accomplished with herbs, vitamins, homeopathy, and IV therapy. 

Mycoplasma, being so small and stealthy, can take longer to treat than other stealth microbes but, in the end, the reward is not only a reversal of symptoms but a stronger, healthier immune system that is resistant to future infections.


Breast Implant Illness: A Modern Epidemic

By Rebecca Steiner, Naturopathic Medical Assistant and Health Coach

About Breast Implant Illness:

Breast Implant Illness (BII) is a little-known, but debilitating condition that develops in some women who have undergone cosmetic breast augmentation. Although the public has generally been made aware of the dangers of silicone implants, BII appears to be no less prevalent in women with saline implants. This may be in part because although saline implants are filled with sterile salt water, the outer shell is still comprised of silicone and other harmful chemicals that can flake off into the body. Consider just some of the toxic chemicals that have been reported in implants: 

Acetone (used in nail polish remover), methyl ethyl ketone (a known neurotoxin), sodium fluoride, formaldehyde, lacquer thinner, epoxy hardener, printing ink, heavy metals.

Additionally, saline implants can harbor mold and other fungi that can leak through tiny holes that develop when the implant shell degrades over time, resulting in systemic, chronic fungal infections. 

Not all women develop Breast Implant Illness. It is estimated that around 10 million women have breast implants, and while there is currently no fully accurate statistics available, it is believed that somewhere around 2% of these women will develop BII. This is a small percentage to be sure, but when you consider how many women have implants you’re talking about 140,000-200,000 women. Additionally, this estimation is probably staggeringly low, since it is likely BII cases are grossly underreported.  Breast Implant Illness is not currently recognized by the mainstream medical community, or the FDA. Both groups have a vested financial interest in dismissing the health complaints of women who report becoming ill after high-priced cosmetic augmentation surgeries. Therefore, women may not have any idea that implants are the cause of their health problems, and might even be accused of making their symptoms up. 


While medical knowledge about this condition is still limited, it is believed that BII develops in some women because their immune system attacks the implant, viewing it as a foreign object. A capsule of tissue and immune cells grows around the implant attempting to wall it off from the rest of the body. The immune system continues to attack the implants on an ongoing basis, leading to an auto-immune-like condition resulting in chronic inflammation and a wide array of debilitating symptoms and a cascade of secondary disease processes. 

In women who have breast implants in addition to complex, chronic illnesses like Lyme disease, and mold toxicity, breast implants may play a big role in inhibiting their inability to recover, despite proper treatment. Because the immune system is so focused on the implants, it is not dealing with other problems like tick-borne infections, viruses, or mycotoxins, allowing them to run rampant in the body. Additionally, the immune system can become weakened and compromised over time, so that it is not functioning properly and is less able to fight off infections. Medical studies have shown significantly suppressed natural killer cell activity in patients with silicone implants. Natural killer cells are an integral part of a functioning immune system and work to limit illness and infections. Often times removal of the implants marks the first time a patient with complex, chronic illness begins to make headway in her treatment, because her immune system is unburdened.   

Women who develop BII may go years with no symptoms and then suddenly develop them out of the blue. Others report becoming ill almost immediately after implant surgery. Symptoms can be severe and debilitating. Just some of the many symptoms that can be associated with BII are:

Chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, hair loss, rashes, auto-immune disease, thyroid dysfunction, SIBO, leaky gut, neuropathy, arthritis, pain, Lymphoma, brain fog, cognitive dysfunction, weight gain or weight loss, low libido, insomnia, vertigo, persistent viral, fungal, bacterial and yeast infections, chemical sensitivity, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, feelings of dying, mast cell disorder (MCAS), migraines, food allergies and sensitivities. 


What do you do if you suspect you may have BII? Unfortunately, there is no straightforward answer. There are no laboratory tests that will tell you if you have BII. I do not recommend patients seek a diagnosis from a doctor. Few doctors are aware of, or have accurate knowledge of BII and patients are likely to receive misinformation. I do not recommend returning to the surgeon who performed your initial surgery. Many surgeons have a vested financial interest in turning a blind eye to BII. Even the best-intentioned surgeon is likely to simply believe what they’ve been taught by the medical establishment – that Breast Implant Illness doesn’t exist. 

Here is what I do recommend: follow your gut, listen to your intuition. Think back over your health history; what was your health like before implants? How has it changed since? How well does your immune system function? Do you have a condition like Lyme disease? Have you been treated by a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor with little improvement in your symptoms? I also recommend that any woman who is wondering if she has BII join a Facebook group where she can read the stories of thousands of other women and see if those stories resonate. The best Facebook groups dedicated to BII are: Dr. Jae Chun- Patient Explant and Support Group Breast Implant Illness and healing by Nicole

Making the choice to remove your implants is a big decision that only you can make. 


Once you decide that you are going to treat BII the first and most important step is to undergo a full En Bloc Capsulectomy explant of your implants with a highly trained surgeon. There are very few surgeons who are qualified to correctly remove the implants of BII sufferers. You can find a list of qualified surgeons on Nicole’s Facebook page or her website It is imperative that you do not remove your implants with any surgeon who is not on this list and is not highly skilled in En Bloc removal technique, in which the implant and the surrounding tissue capsule are fully removed in one piece. Many women have undergone expensive explant surgeries only to remain ill due to tissues that were left behind during surgery.

Even if a doctor promises you that they can remove all of your capsule, at the time of surgery he or she may find they are not skilled enough to do so. For instance, in some cases tissue can be adhered to the ribs and most surgeons are not capable of removing it without risking complications. In this case the surgeon may choose to leave pieces of the capsule behind rather than risk harming the patient. It is probably not possible to recover from BII without a full En Bloc extraction of the entire implant and surrounding tissue. 

Once you have decided to go through with explant surgery you must understand that for most people symptoms do not resolve overnight. Experienced explant surgeons generally report that around 85% of their patients experience significant improvement in their symptoms, but at minimum recovery usually takes at least one year. It is essential to enlist a qualified holistic practitioner to help you get your body and immune system back on track. Your body has been under assault and it will take time and work to heal. Work with your Naturopath to address detoxifying from the implants and clearing up any other associated problems like heavy metal toxicity, mycotoxins, Lyme and Co-infections. 

Some additional treatments that can assist with recovery and which we offer in our clinic are:

1.     IV Therapy: Following up explant surgery with nutritive IV infusions can really help to support and speed up recovery, especially in cases of leaky gut or otherwise compromised G.I. health where your body is not getting enough nutrients from food and oral vitamins. Speak with your doctor about which IV therapies are appropriate for you. 

2.     Ozone Therapy: Ozone therapy applied to the chest, post-surgery can have an almost magical, healing effect, helping to promote wound closure and diminish scarring. Ozone gas is also anti-microbial which helps prevent infection and complications of the incision site. 

3.     Low Dose Immunotherapy: LDI therapy can be a good addition to BII treatment. You can read my article about what LDI is and how it works here:  In order to utilize this therapy, you will need to request before your surgery that your explant surgeon provide you with a small tissue sample of your removed capsule after surgery. We can make a sterilized, autologous LDI solution from your capsule that can be administered with a small injection under your skin. In some patients it takes a while for the immune system to rebalance once the implants are gone. LDI therapy can help to speed up the process. In cases where a patient is not recovering despite explant surgery, LDI can be a useful tool for retraining the immune system, which may be stuck in overdrive. 

4.     Health Coaching: It is essential to clean up your diet and lifestyle in the year following explant surgery. It may be helpful to work with a health coach to determine which diet and exercise programs will work best for you. 

If you are interested in further information on Breast Implant Illness, treatment, or Health Coaching please reach out to our clinic.











Lyme Support Group

Lyme disease is a confusing, scary and isolating diagnosis. Patients already feel exhausted and overwhelmed and then they are told they have a disease that, from everything you read on the internet, sounds like a death sentence. Lyme disease is treatable and patients do recover.

This support group is for anyone struggling with Lyme and other chronic infections who needs a place to vent, complain, share successes and just simply be heard. Dr. Sangita Pedro will be present to answer questions and facilitate the group.  

This group is open to everyone. You do not have to be a current patient at Be Well and there is no fee. 

When: The second Thursday of each month from 6pm-7pm, beginning February 13th, 2020

Where: The Be Well IV Lounge

Please join us to help dispel fear and spread encouragement and support for everyone struggling with Lyme disease. Please RSVP here or call 415.569.4470

Health Coaching for SIBO

Diagnosed with SIBO? Health Coaching Can Help

By Rebecca Steiner, Naturopathic Medical Assistant and Health Coach

Have you recently been diagnosed with SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)? Are you feeling uncertain or frustrated? Are you struggling to navigate treatment plans, complicated diets and lifestyle changes? 

SIBO treatment can be daunting and the information available online may be confusing or conflicting. Things that used to seem simple, like grocery shopping, going to a restaurant or even deciding what to eat for breakfast, can suddenly feel overwhelming. The good news is that life with SIBO can be manageable, and partnering up with a Health Coach can help. 

If you’ve been diagnosed with SIBO, it is likely that your doctor has prescribed some combination of diet, medications, and/or herbs to eradicate the bacteria that are living in your small intestine, a place where they shouldn’t be. These bacteria can wreak havoc and they can be stubborn. That means that SIBO treatment is not always straight forward, which can make the treatment difficult for patients. 

One of the biggest complaints I hear from SIBO patients is that they are struggling to implement the diet prescribed by their doctor. They understand that making proper dietary changes is essential if they want to get better, but the food lists are confusing and they are at a complete loss when it comes to grocery shopping and cooking. Additionally, the food guidelines don’t take into account their individual needs, their lifestyle, or any other dietary or medical issues they may have, like food allergies. 

It is not uncommon for people to feel overwhelmed and want to give up. However, with the right team and the proper support it is possible to treat SIBO and restore your health. As a Health and Wellness Coach, I assist patients by making their SIBO treatment plan easier to follow. Working with a Health Coach allows you to individualize your program so that it is tailored to work best for you. We will design a diet based on your individual food preferences and needs. As you gain the knowledge, tools and resources you need, you will also develop confidence, knowing that you have what it takes to beat SIBO! 

One of the greatest benefits of working with a health coach is that inevitably questions, concerns or challenges arise between scheduled visits with your doctor. As a Health Coach, I am here for you: to answer your questions, troubleshoot any problems, and offer support via phone, email, or in person. If you are a patient at Be Well Natural Medicine Cl and diagnosed with SIBO, let us know if you think Health Coaching can help you. 


Low Dose Immunotherapy and Low Dose Allergy Therapy for Chronic Conditions

By Rebecca Steiner, Naturopathic Medical Assistant and Health Coach

Low dose immunotherapy (LDI) and low dose allergy (LDA) therapy is done through a small injection given just under the skin. The treatment is effective for many immune-related conditions, such as food, environmental and chemical allergies and sensitivities; autoimmune diseases; and chronic infections such as Lyme disease, viruses and other tick-borne illnesses. 

In many persistent conditions, unpleasant symptoms are the result of chronic inflammation triggered by an overactive immune system. Basically, the immune system is constantly launching an attack on what it sees as a foreign threat within the body. Certain foods, bacteria, even our own cells can trigger an overreactive or inappropriate immune response of this kind. LDI and LDA therapy work by modulating the immune system, teaching it to respond appropriately. Very low and safe doses of the problematic antigen are introduced into the body, thereby “retraining” the immune system response. Over time, the immune system becomes “desensitized,” and immunological balance and harmony is restored.

LDI and LDA are safe, easy and fairly inexpensive treatment options. For most patients LDI and LDA will initially need to be administered every seven weeks. Over time, as symptoms resolve, the intervals between injections will get longer.  Eventually injections may no longer be needed, or only needed once or twice a year. 

LDI and LDA are very effective in many people for the following conditions:

·      Food allergies

·      Seasonal allergies

·      Chemical sensitivities

·      Viruses (HHV-6, EBV, Chlamydia pneumonia, Mycoplasma, Herpes and Shingles)

·      Herpes outbreak

·      Lyme disease, bartonella, babesia and other associated tick-borne co-infections


·      Autoimmune diseases

·      Arthritis

·      Eczema

·      Alopecia

·      Chronic fatigue

·      Fibromyalgia

If you would like more information or think you might be a good candidate for this therapy, please let us know!

Mycotoxin Illness: Is Your Home or Office Making You Sick?

By Sangita Pedro, ND

Mycotoxins are toxins released by mold spores. Mold spores emit them to kill other mold species and limit local competition for space. That is all well and good outside the human body but once inside the human body those toxins can wreak havoc.

Mold spores are relatively large and when inhaled they cannot get much further than the sinuses. Mycotoxins, on the other hand, are much smaller and can get through the lungs, into the blood stream and into every tissue and across every cell membrane.

Mold spores alone can cause allergic reactions and irritation in the sinuses but because of their special design and small size, the mycotoxins they produce are potentially more damaging and more difficult to eradicate.

Most people (about 75% of the population), develop antibodies when they are exposed to mycotoxins that bind the toxins and remove them from the body.  The other 25% of the population does not make antibodies to mycotoxins and therefore cannot clear them once they enter the body.  In these people any exposure can cause illness and supporting the body to remove the toxins is essential for recovery.

Mycotoxins tend to colonize the sinuses and the gastrointestinal system but symptoms can be felt far beyond those two areas and may include any of the following:

·      Muscle weakness, numbness and tingling

·      Fatigue and cognitive impairment (ie. Brain fog, difficulty finding words, memory loss, etc.)

·      Gastrointestinal symptoms

·      Chest tightness and pain

·      Disequilibrium, dizziness

·      Anxiety and depression

·      Joint and muscle pain

·      Headaches

·      Frequent acute illnesses that last a long time

·      Tics, spasms, seizures

Although mycotoxins can be the sole problem it is more common to find them alongside other conditions especially when those conditions have been treated for long periods of time with little to no improvement or with brief periods of remission followed by a worsening of symptoms. Some of those conditions include:

·      Lyme disease and co-infections

·      Fibromyalgia

·      Chronic fatigue

·      IBS, SIBO and other gastrointestinal disorders

Some diagnoses themselves may point to mycotoxins as an underlying problem such atypical Alzheimer’s, MS or ALS. 

In addition to similarities with other illnesses, there are a few symptoms that, if present, along with any of the symptoms listed above, are most indicative of mycotoxins and should not be ignored:

·      Ice pick or lightning-like pains

·      Electric shock sensations 

·      Pulsating or vibrating sensation along the spine

Inhalation of mold spores is the most common and potent form of exposure. Exposure can happen at home, at work or in your car. 

Mold frequently lives under flooring and behind walls making it invisible and odorless. If you suspect mold in your home, find a qualified mold inspector to tell you exactly what is there and where. Once you have isolated the problem, find a qualified mold remediation company to do the clean up and test again when the clean up is finished to make sure they got it all.  If you can, don’t stay in the house during remediation to avoid further exposure.

If you think mycotoxins might be obstructing your health, eliminate the source of your ongoing exposure first and then find a qualified practitioner who can test and treat you effectively.


IV Ozone and UVB Therapy Now Available at BE WELL!

What is Ozone Therapy?

IV Ozone therapy is a natural, safe, and powerful therapy that can be used to promote healthy aging and treat many ailments and diseases. At a basic level, ozone therapy increases the amount of oxygen in the body to improve overall bodily function. Ozone is a potent oxidant that increases circulation and blood flow, optimizes cellular oxygen metabolism, decreases inflammation and signs of aging, detoxifies the liver, suppresses chronic infections, and stimulates the immune system.

What does Ozone treat?

Chronic Infections:

Ozone has antimicrobial properties that can cleanse the blood and suppress infections, including those that are notoriously hard to treat. In addition to killing pathogenic bacteria and other pathogens, ozone strengthens the body’s natural immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells and modulating immune activity.

Ozone is a very effective treatment for:

·      Viruses

·      Lyme Disease and co-infections

·      Mold and mycotoxins

·      Bacterial infections

·      Wound healing

·      Parasites

·      Dental infections

·      Acne

·      Eczema

·      Other chronic infections

Ozone treatment is also an effective tool in infection prevention. Additionally, while ozone kills pathogenic bacteria, it does not disrupt the beneficial flora in the body. 

Inflammation, Aging and Autoimmune Diseases

The root cause of premature aging and many illnesses is inflammation. Ozone therapy produces anti-inflammatory effects and increases the effectiveness of the body’s antioxidant enzyme system. Antioxidants function to prevent cellular damage, which is a common pathway for aging, and disease.

Ozone has been shown to be effective in treating:

·      Premature aging

·      Weight loss and toxicity

·      Cancer

·      Allergies and sinusitis 

·      Autoimmune disease 

·      Multiple sclerosis 

·      Rheumatoid arthritis 

·      Chronic fatigue syndrome 

·      Alzheimer’s Disease

·      Parkinson’s Disease 

·      Migraine

·      Chronic pain 

·      Vertigo

·      And more


Ozone promotes liver detoxification, making it an effective treatment for fatty liver, viral hepatitis and other liver disorders. 

Adding UVB Light to Ozone

Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI) is a procedure that exposes the blood to light to heighten the body’s immune response and to kill infections, essentially using light as a natural antibiotic. With exposure to UV light, bacteria and viruses in your bloodstream absorbs five times as much photonic energy as do your red and white blood cells. This further activates and directs your immune system to the specific infections your body is attempting to overcome.

UVBI is highly effective in treating persistent viruses and antibiotic-resistant bacteria and elevating the levels of antioxidants capable of fighting free radicals. Combining ozone therapy and UVBI produces a synergistic effect which can be especially useful for chronically ill patients.