Why Mineral Balance is Essential for Curing Chronic Candida Overgrowth

By Rebecca Steiner, Peptide Program Manager and Certified Health Coach

Many of my clients have suffered for years with symptoms of candida overgrowth. Symptom type and severity ranges greatly, and can severely impact quality of life. Making matters worse, because the symptoms of candida overgrowth aren’t always straight forward, it can take a long time to obtain an accurate diagnosis. By this point candida is running rampant, and is even more difficult to treat.

Just some of the symptoms of candida overgrowth include:

-       Stomach pain, diarrhea, gas, constipation, distention, nausea, leaky gut

-       Food allergies

-       Histamine intolerance  

-       Allergic Reactions

-       Difficulty losing weight and weight gain

-       Chronic Fatigue

-       Sluggishness

-       Lack of Vitality

-       Mood Disturbance, Depression and Anxiety

-       Hair Loss

-       Skin or Nail Issues

-       Recurring Vaginal or Urinary Tract Infections

-       Sinus Infections

-       Brain Fog

-       Hormonal Imbalance

-       PMS

-       Sleep Disturbance

-       Adrenal Insufficiency

-       Chronic Pain

I can’t tell you how many people I speak to who have done everything to cure candida, but cannot free themselves of this persistent fungus! They religiously follow the diet, take tons of medications and supplements, adhere to every piece of advice from their doctor, and while they may experience improvement, one false move and the symptoms return. It is extremely frustrating.

Enter minerals. Underlying mineral imbalance is common in cases of persistent candida infection. And, it is just as commonly missed. Especially in women, it is not unusual to uncover an underlying mineral imbalance that is preventing the resolution of chronic candida infection. Often, these women are also plagued by hormonal imbalances, like estrogen dominance, and experience extreme chronic fatigue and brain fog.  This is because they are lacking certain minerals that are required by the body, in the right amounts, in order for the immune system, hormones, adrenal glands and mitochondria to function properly.

Arguably, the most important mineral in the fight against candida is copper. Copper is a natural fungicide and is essential in the formation of immune cells that target and kill candida, and prevent it from taking root in the first place. You can take all the medications to rid yourself of candida, but without enough copper, your immune system cannot prevent its return. There are also other essential minerals that promote adequate stomach acid, protein synthesis and food break down, and keep the gut lining healthy and in-tact. Without these minerals the microbiome is compromised, setting the stage for bad entities to flourish.

Sadly, over the years copper imbalance, and other mineral deficiencies have become more prevalent. This is due to modern agricultural practices that are stripping our soils of nutrients, and the use of pesticides that chelate minerals. We are left with foods that have greatly declined in nutrient composition.

Unfortunately, the solution is not as easy as simply supplementing with minerals. Obtaining ideal mineral balance, or mineral ratio, is just as important. Taking minerals blindly (even if you are using products that claim to be in optimal balance) will only make mineral imbalances worse. For instance, some people lack the protein needed to mobilize copper, so even if they take a copper supplement, the body cannot utilize it. This leads to the depletion of other important minerals, further proliferation of candida, and adverse symptom reactions.

The first step in ridding yourself of chronic candida is to determine your current mineral status through hair testing analysis and blood work. Secondly, you must work with a practitioner who understands how to interperate these results and will work with you to optimize your mineral status in the right way.

Mineral balancing could be the missing link in your full and total recovery from candida.

If you are interested in determining your mineral status, please contact Rebecca.



KPV Peptides: The Natural Candida Cure

By Rebecca Steiner, Health Coach and Peptide Program Manager

It seems like most people struggle with gastro-intestinal candida overgrowth these days. Along with a myriad of troublesome symptoms, for many of my clients the main complaints are primarily gut issues and an inability to lose weight. Candida makes weight loss extremely challenging. The reasons for this are twofold: First, candida feeds off sugar, and it is extremely skilled at telling your brain to give it more of the sweet stuff it needs to survive. Those crazy sugar cravings you are having aren’t really yours, they are the little bugs taking over your brain! Additionally, candida makes it harder to lose weight because it completely hijacks your metabolism. Needless to say, it is extremely frustrating for so many of my clients who are doing everything right, and getting nowhere. 

Even more exasperating is the nightmare of trying to rid your body of this awful infestation. There are a lot of pharmaceutical, dietary, and natural therapies out there, and many of them will work to some extent. But candida is a formidable opponent, and unfortunately, the likelihood of completely eradicating it, in my experience, is uncertain. Additionally, the treatment can sometimes be even worse than the original problem, wreaking havoc on your gut and mental health. 

This is where KPV enters the picture.  KPV is a natural occurring peptide with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory powers. In studies, KPV has been shown to kill C. albicans (the most common strain of candida) with over 99% efficacy. Combining KPV with an anti-candida diet can completely resolve candida overgrowth for many people. Additionally, KPV is a naturally, biologically occurring molecule with anti-inflammatory properties so, it does not produce as many of the troublesome side effects that you get with some of the other candida therapies. 

Along with its candicidal capabilities, KPV has other pretty miraculous abilities, such as reducing SIBO infections, IBS, Ulcerative Colitis and IBD symptoms, minimizing tumors, and generally decreasing inflammation in the body. I personally use KPV for its mast cell stabilizing effects. It can be a game changer for those who are suffering from mold toxicity, pain, allergies, histamine overload, hives, MCAS, and psoriasis. 

Because KPV is an MSH analogue, it interacts with mast cells in your immune system, which when in dysfunction, can result in an overactive immune system, promoting inflammation and the above disease states. Your doctor may also want to combine KPV with other peptides for more targeted results. Amlexanox, Thymosin Alpha 1 and LL-37 can work synergistically with KPV to treat certain infections and chronic pains, fibromyalgia, inflammation, gut issues, and immune dysregulation. 

If you would like to try KPV for yourself, or if you need assistance creating a personalized anti-candida diet, please contact our office to schedule an appointment. 




Infertility – Could it be Parasites?

By Sangita Pedro, ND

The digestive system is the foundation of human health. Digestion of food provides nutrients to build hormones, immunoglobulins, and neurotransmitters. It is also where the body rids itself of toxins, used hormones and excess cholesterol. 

Digestion requires more daily energy than any other system in the body, but it also absorbs the nutrients needed to keep the system running. It is a graceful, elegant system and when it is working well, we experience health and vitality. And when any part of the digestive system – stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder or pancreas – becomes overburdened, we feel it, we just don’t always pay attention to it.

There are many ways in which our digestive system can become overburdened and many signs and symptoms that tell us what is happening. The most common burdens I see in my clinical practice are SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) yeast overgrowth and intestinal parasites.  Sometimes alone and sometimes all together!

Some early symptoms of these conditions include heartburn or reflux, tightness in the chest, coughing, runny nose, sneezing or skin flushing after eating, abdominal bloating, gas, constipation, loose stools or diarrhea. You don’t have to experience these symptoms all the time for there to be a problem. 

SIBO and yeast overgrowth (ie. Candida) are fairly well-known diagnoses, especially among patients with overt gastrointestinal symptoms but parasites are regarded as rare and only really a problem in developing nations.

There are many myths about parasites but the three I come across most frequently are:

1.     Parasites cause diarrhea and I am constipated so I can’t have parasites.

2.     I have never been outside the US so I can’t have parasites.

3.     Parasites make you lose weight, and I can’t lose weight so I can’t have parasites.

All false! It is true that some acute parasitic infections, like Giardia, cause diarrhea and weight loss but chronic infections more commonly cause constipation and weight gain. And although travel outside the US along with history of food poisoning increases the likelihood of parasites it is by no means necessary. Food poisoning happens in the US all the time and outbreaks of Giardia and Cryptosporidium happen in municipal water supplies every year in the US. 

So how are parasites linked to infertility?

Parasites eat your food, cause inflammation in the intestinal lining and decrease absorption of nutrients. This depletes you slowly, over many years, of the nutrients you need to build hormones. Low hormones make it difficult to conceive and maintain a pregnancy. 

Parasites, especially worms, excrete estrogen-like substances that block receptors and confuse our hormonal system. The toxins they excrete also impair the body’s ability to get rid of used estrogens properly. Those used estrogens are accidentally recycled, creating further imbalance in our hormonal system. 

Another reason parasites are quickly disregarded is they are very difficult to find on stools tests. 

Parasites adhere very tightly to the gut lining and therefore are not scraped off easily during bowel movements. They also have life cycles; periods of relative quiet when they are reproducing and periods of greater activity or growth which means you have to get lucky and collect a sample in a more active, plentiful stage. And last but not least, parasites are smart. They have learned to keep their population below the threshold of our innate immune system response. If their numbers get too high and break that threshold, our immune system will see them and kill them. 

If you are experiencing unexplained infertility or have in the past, you might have some unwanted travelers in your gut sapping you of your nutrients. Find a practitioner who understands parasites so you can take back your vitality and fertility!

Intestinal Parasites: Tiny Bugs, Big Problem

Everyone is exposed to parasites through food and water, even in the U.S. and for some people those generally benign parasites, can stick around for decades and cause a multitude of health problems including infertility, hormonal imbalance, every type of gut issue including diarrhea and constipation, insomnia, brain fog and much more.

In this talk Dr. Pedro will cover symptoms of acute and chronic parasitic infections and how to get rid of them. She will also go over the other toxins and infections commonly associated with parasitic infection including yeast overgrowth and mycotoxin illness.

There will be time at the end for questions and the talk will be recorded so you can listen to it any time.

Wednesday, February 24th, 2021

6:45 - 8pm Pacific Time

Please email Dr. Pedro at drpedro@bewellnaturalmedicine.net if you would like to join this free talk. A Zoom link will be sent out the day before the event.

ALPHA-GAL Syndrome

by Rebecca Steiner, Naturopathic Medical Assistant and Certified Health Coach

Alpha-gal syndrome is an allergic reaction to beef and other mammals including; lamb, pork and bison. Alpha-gal syndrome causes many troubling symptoms, including; potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis, itching, hives, severe stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, arthritis, and chronic fatigue. 

Alpha-gal syndrome is often missed or misdiagnosed due to its uniqueness from other allergies. Unlike other food allergies, symptoms don’t appear right away, but happen hours after the allergen has been ingested, making it much less likely for someone to make the connection between their symptoms and the offending food. Scientists suspect the reason for this delayed response is that animal fat digests at a slower rate than other foods, like peanuts for example, and so it takes longer for the allergic response to occur. Many patients report attacks that wake them up in the middle of the night or early in the morning, hours after eating. 

What makes alpha-gal allergy even more mysterious is that symptoms vary from person to person, and even from day to day. While someone may develop a severe “allergic” reaction that includes anaphylaxis, hives, itching, and maybe even a trip to the Emergency Room, another could only experience abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea. In addition, someone may have a severe life-threatening reaction from one exposure to meat, and no reaction the next time. 

Alpha-gal syndrome includes some, or all of the following symptoms:

  • Anaphylaxis

  • Hives

  • Flushing

  • Stuffiness

  • Itching (especially palms of hands and soles of feet)

  • Swollen tongue, lips or eyelids 

  • Difficulty Breathing, coughing, wheezing, sneezing

  • Drop in blood pressure

  • Weak Pulse

  • Racing Heartrate

  • Anxiety

  • Dizziness

  • Fainting

  • Vertigo

  • Itchy ears

  • Severe abdominal pain

  • Diarrhea 

  • Constipation

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Edema

  • Arthritis 

  • Joint Pain

  • Rash

  • Psoriasis 

  • Fatigue

  • Gynecological Symptoms 

  • Worse reaction/ Hangover from alcohol 

Alpha-gal is short for galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose, an oligosaccharide sugar molecule that is not present in humans or great apes, but is found in all other mammals. 

Alpha-gal allergy is believed to be acquired from a tick bite. 

Research is still underway, but it is theorized that alpha-gal is transmitted from the saliva of a tick that feeds on mammals like deer. When the tick later attaches to a human it transmits the alpha-gal sugar from the animal into the bloodstream of the human host. Some people develop an IgE response when their immune system tries to defend against this foreign molecule. From that point on, meat consumption results in an allergic reaction. Sensitive people may also react to the alpha-gal molecule in dairy, medications, skincare, beauty products, vaccines, and supplements that contain mammalian byproducts. It is even possible to have an allergic reaction to inhalation of fumes from cooking meat, or from cross contamination of utensils and cookware. In addition, some people develop an allergic reaction to the common food additive carrageen, which has a similar chemical structure to alpha-gal. 

Unfortunately, most people who develop AGS suffer for years before receiving a proper diagnosis. On average it takes 7 years for someone to be diagnosed. Often medical practitioners are not aware of the condition, or believe it is a problem limited to the south eastern United States. 

While AGS is most prevalent in the south eastern regions of the United States, cases have been reported all over the US, and in parts of Europe, Australia and Asia. While it was previously thought that alpha-gal could only be transmitted from the bite of the Lone Star tick (which inhabits the South eastern United States) data now suggests that other ticks may transmit alpha-gal as well. For example, researchers have determined that the European Ixodes tick carries the alpha-gal molecule. Additionally, it is now believed that the Lone Star tick is more widely distributed across the country than previously thought. Scientists also predict that while the Lone Star tick prefers warmer climates, due to ongoing climate change, their distribution will only increase over time. 

Alpha-gal syndrome can be detected with a simple blood test, and a thorough clinical evaluation. Some people may falsely test negative, which is why it is so important to work with a skilled and knowledgeable practitioner. 

There is currently no cure for alpha-gal syndrome, although some people do lose their diagnosis over time. The only solution is to completely avoid all mammal products. Easier said than done given that food and drug manufacturers are not required to include this information on labels. It can also be difficult to tell from a list of ingredients if a product contains alpha-gal because it could be hiding behind confusing names. A few of the many common mammal-derived ingredients found in everything from foods, to over the counter and prescription medications includes: gelatin, glycerin, lactose, magnesium stearate, stearic acid and natural flavorings.

If you have AGS, a Certified Health Coach, like myself, can help you navigate the challenging dietary and lifestyle changes that will be necessary to avoid a potentially life-threatening exposure. Working together we can create a plan that works for you. If you think you may have alpha-gal syndrome please reach out to our clinic for more information and helpful resources.

Health Coaching for SIBO

Diagnosed with SIBO? Health Coaching Can Help

By Rebecca Steiner, Naturopathic Medical Assistant and Health Coach

Have you recently been diagnosed with SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)? Are you feeling uncertain or frustrated? Are you struggling to navigate treatment plans, complicated diets and lifestyle changes? 

SIBO treatment can be daunting and the information available online may be confusing or conflicting. Things that used to seem simple, like grocery shopping, going to a restaurant or even deciding what to eat for breakfast, can suddenly feel overwhelming. The good news is that life with SIBO can be manageable, and partnering up with a Health Coach can help. 

If you’ve been diagnosed with SIBO, it is likely that your doctor has prescribed some combination of diet, medications, and/or herbs to eradicate the bacteria that are living in your small intestine, a place where they shouldn’t be. These bacteria can wreak havoc and they can be stubborn. That means that SIBO treatment is not always straight forward, which can make the treatment difficult for patients. 

One of the biggest complaints I hear from SIBO patients is that they are struggling to implement the diet prescribed by their doctor. They understand that making proper dietary changes is essential if they want to get better, but the food lists are confusing and they are at a complete loss when it comes to grocery shopping and cooking. Additionally, the food guidelines don’t take into account their individual needs, their lifestyle, or any other dietary or medical issues they may have, like food allergies. 

It is not uncommon for people to feel overwhelmed and want to give up. However, with the right team and the proper support it is possible to treat SIBO and restore your health. As a Health and Wellness Coach, I assist patients by making their SIBO treatment plan easier to follow. Working with a Health Coach allows you to individualize your program so that it is tailored to work best for you. We will design a diet based on your individual food preferences and needs. As you gain the knowledge, tools and resources you need, you will also develop confidence, knowing that you have what it takes to beat SIBO! 

One of the greatest benefits of working with a health coach is that inevitably questions, concerns or challenges arise between scheduled visits with your doctor. As a Health Coach, I am here for you: to answer your questions, troubleshoot any problems, and offer support via phone, email, or in person. If you are a patient at Be Well Natural Medicine Cl and diagnosed with SIBO, let us know if you think Health Coaching can help you. 


Post-Holiday Digestion Help!

By Sangita Pedro, ND

We have all had the post-holiday experience of feeling sluggish and heavy after overindulging in rich food, sugar, and alcohol topped off with a hearty dose of stress! This is probably why gyms, yoga studios and doctor’s offices fill up quickly after the first of the year. We all want to start the year off feeling good. Well, if you want to start your new year off on a healthy path, improving your gut is a great way to start. Even the healthiest of us could likely use a little tune-up after the holidays to help us sleep better, feel more energized and get through those workouts with a smile.

Digestion 101

Good digestion is the foundation of health.

Digestion provides the body with the raw materials it needs to carry out thousands of essential processes every day, including building hormones and neurotransmitters, creating cells of all kinds, and producing cellular energy.

Where does healthy digestion begin? In the mind! Even before food enters our mouths, the thought of the meal we’re about to enjoy makes us salivate, which triggers stomach acid production. With the first whiffs of dinner, digestion is already underway. 

Stomach acid serves two primary purposes in the story – it breaks down the food we consume into smaller pieces and it kills any unwanted bacteria, viruses, or parasites that might be hiding in our food. 

 As the food leaves the stomach, it triggers the pancreas to release digestive enzymes for carbohydrate and protein digestion. Next, it prompts the liver and gallbladder to release bile for fat absorption. 

 If all goes well, the result of this process is a perfectly broken-down pile of nutrients that winds its way slowly through the roughly 20 feet of the small intestine, where all the macro and micro nutrients are absorbed and sent to where they are needed in the body. Anything not absorbed in the small intestine is sent to the large intestine for disposal.

In a not-so-healthy system we might experience symptoms like these:

  • Heartburn, indigestion or reflux

  • Abdominal bloating

  • Excessive burping or gas

  • Bad breath

  • Increased or decreased appetite

  • Constipation 

  • Diarrhea

  • Fatigue

  • Abdominal cramps and pain

Or we might end up with any one of these diagnoses:

  • IBS with diarrhea and/or constipation

  • Crohn’s disease

  • Ulcerative colitis

  • GERD

  • Collagenous colitis

Whether you are currently undergoing treatment for gut imbalance or you simply want to optimize your digestion, follow these simple tips to improve your gut and your overall health:

When to Eat:

  • Eat three meals daily

  • Leave 3-4 hours between meals with no snacking, only water or herbal tea

  • Leave 3-4 hours between dinner and sleep with only water

  • The two largest meals of the day should be breakfast and lunch

  • Lightest meal of the day should be dinner

  • No food after 7pm

  • Go to sleep by 10pm

  • Get up by 6am 

  • Eat breakfast within two hours of waking

How to eat:

  • Enjoy your food before you start eating – look at it, smell it, appreciate it

  • Eat slowly and chew thoroughly

  • Sit down and relax while eating

  • Eat with others as often as possible

  • Don’t do other things while eating – phone, computer, books, etc. 

What to eat: 

What we eat is unique to each of us and will depend on our age, environment, and nutritional needs.  There is no perfect diet, there is only the diet that is right for you in the moment. 

If you are still experiencing symptoms after making these changes, there may be something else going on that warrants further testing and more specific treatment. 


Bothered by bloating? Do probiotics make you feel worse? These could be signs of SIBO.

By Sangita Pedro, ND

Many of my patients tell me they wake up with a flat stomach and by late afternoon they look six months pregnant.  The bloating is sometimes accompanied by sharp, stabbing pains, but rarely gas or burping.  

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, or SIBO, occurs when bacteria that should be in the large intestine find their way into the small intestine and set up shop.  A history of frequent antibiotic use, chronic constipation or diarrhea, and past intestinal infections such as traveler’s diarrhea or food poisoning can predispose a person to developing SIBO. A poor diet will help maintain the overgrowth once it is established. 

The standard Western diet with its high levels of sugar, salt, caffeine, alcohol, bad fats, and abundance of processed carbohydrates does little to support healthy microbial balance while feeding all types of intestinal overgrowth including SIBO. 

Once in the small intestine the bacteria take over, causing localized inflammation, leaky gut and various systemic symptoms such as skin rashes, rosacea, fatigue, allergies, difficulty regulating blood sugar, weight gain, nutrient deficiencies and fatigue. 

Bacteria in the small intestine ferment the food you eat, especially starches, fruit, sugar, fiber and alcohol, and produce hydrogen and methane gas as by-products. The build-up of gases causes excessive bloating and pain and dysregulates the muscular contraction of the small intestine

 ‘Good’ bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species can also overgrow in the small intestine, causing or worsening SIBO. The normal, rhythmic movement of the small intestine slows down or becomes irregular with SIBO. This causes everything, including probiotics, to linger in the small intestine where they can get ‘stuck’ and start to proliferate.  

Signs and symptoms of SIBO:

·      Constipation and/or diarrhea

·      Chronic reflux/heartburn

·      Abdominal bloating worse after eating (this can be excessive and painful)

·      Abdominal bloating, cramping and pain after taking probiotics

·      Excessive burping and/or gas after eating

·      Food allergies/sensitivities especially gluten, diary, lactose, fructose, and histamine intolerance.

·      Weight loss or weight gain (especially an increase in belly fat)

·      Fatigue


How is SIBO diagnosed?

The standard diagnostic test for SIBO is a lactulose breath test.  The test measures hydrogen and methane gas produced by the bacteria in the small intestine after they ingest and digest the lactulose. Breath samples are taken every 15 minutes for two hours.  

It is also helpful to look at standard lab values for select vitamins, minerals and total Immunoglobulins to get a sense of how well, or not well, the small intestine is breaking down and absorbing food.  

How do I treat SIBO?

There are five basic tenets of SIBO treatment that I follow in my practice:

·      Break down biofilms (protective coverings the bacteria use to hide from the immune system)

·      Decrease the number of bacteria by limiting their food supply

·      Kill the bacteria with antimicrobial herbs or pharmaceuticals

·      Detoxify the body

·      Reestablish a healthy digestive rhythm


If SIBO recurs after 3 months of diligent treatment, following these basic tenets, then further testing may be necessary to determine what is in the way of complete healing and recovery.