Mold and Mycotoxins - A Webinar with Dr. Sangita Pedro

Mold and Mycotoxins and their Impact on our Health

Mold is everywhere, so why is it a problem? Mold is an important part of our outdoor environment but when it gets trapped inside our homes, schools and offices it becomes a problem. Our sinuses filter out mold spores, and the mycotoxins they produce, from the air we breathe. This causes sinus. lung and gut issues. If the mold levels are high (and you are sensitive) the symptoms can go even further to include brain fog, heart racing or palpitations, dizziness, ringing in the ears, insomnia, nerve pain/numbness/tingling, restless legs, and much more. As our buildings age, mold is becoming a big problem with far-reaching impacts on our health.

Join Dr. Pedro for this talk with Q&A to learn more about how mold might be affecting you and your family.

Thursday, April 13th, 2023 from 6:30-8pm.
Zoom link for registration:

KPV Peptides: The Natural Candida Cure

By Rebecca Steiner, Health Coach and Peptide Program Manager

It seems like most people struggle with gastro-intestinal candida overgrowth these days. Along with a myriad of troublesome symptoms, for many of my clients the main complaints are primarily gut issues and an inability to lose weight. Candida makes weight loss extremely challenging. The reasons for this are twofold: First, candida feeds off sugar, and it is extremely skilled at telling your brain to give it more of the sweet stuff it needs to survive. Those crazy sugar cravings you are having aren’t really yours, they are the little bugs taking over your brain! Additionally, candida makes it harder to lose weight because it completely hijacks your metabolism. Needless to say, it is extremely frustrating for so many of my clients who are doing everything right, and getting nowhere. 

Even more exasperating is the nightmare of trying to rid your body of this awful infestation. There are a lot of pharmaceutical, dietary, and natural therapies out there, and many of them will work to some extent. But candida is a formidable opponent, and unfortunately, the likelihood of completely eradicating it, in my experience, is uncertain. Additionally, the treatment can sometimes be even worse than the original problem, wreaking havoc on your gut and mental health. 

This is where KPV enters the picture.  KPV is a natural occurring peptide with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory powers. In studies, KPV has been shown to kill C. albicans (the most common strain of candida) with over 99% efficacy. Combining KPV with an anti-candida diet can completely resolve candida overgrowth for many people. Additionally, KPV is a naturally, biologically occurring molecule with anti-inflammatory properties so, it does not produce as many of the troublesome side effects that you get with some of the other candida therapies. 

Along with its candicidal capabilities, KPV has other pretty miraculous abilities, such as reducing SIBO infections, IBS, Ulcerative Colitis and IBD symptoms, minimizing tumors, and generally decreasing inflammation in the body. I personally use KPV for its mast cell stabilizing effects. It can be a game changer for those who are suffering from mold toxicity, pain, allergies, histamine overload, hives, MCAS, and psoriasis. 

Because KPV is an MSH analogue, it interacts with mast cells in your immune system, which when in dysfunction, can result in an overactive immune system, promoting inflammation and the above disease states. Your doctor may also want to combine KPV with other peptides for more targeted results. Amlexanox, Thymosin Alpha 1 and LL-37 can work synergistically with KPV to treat certain infections and chronic pains, fibromyalgia, inflammation, gut issues, and immune dysregulation. 

If you would like to try KPV for yourself, or if you need assistance creating a personalized anti-candida diet, please contact our office to schedule an appointment.