Epithalon: The Fountain of Youth Peptide

by Rebecca Steiner, Naturopathic Medical Assistant and Health Coach

Epithalon may be the closest we’ve come to discovering the fountain of youth. Epithalon reverses the aging process and increases lifespan. Studies show that by using this peptide twice a year you will not only live longer, you decrease your likelihood of age associated diseases, like cancer and dementia. In addition, Epithalon is an anti-oxidant that promotes deeper and healthier sleep cycles, increases resistance to stress, improves physical endurance, and restores the immune system. 

Epithalon works by increasing the natural production of telomeres. Telomeres are like little protective caps that sit on the ends of our DNA. They promote DNA replication allowing for the production of new cells and the rejuvenation old ones. With age, stress and environmental exposures, our telomeres shorten and more of our cells die, resulting in aging and disease. Epithalon lengthens telomeres, lengthening life!

Epithalon is administered by a small injection and is much more effective than oral therapies. If you are interested in learning more about the anti-aging effects of Epithalon and peptide therapy please contact our clinic. 

Natural Peptides for Weight Loss

By Rebecca Steiner, Naturopathic Medical Assistant and Health Coach

We know that periods of stress can take a toll on our health. In addition to other physiological effects, stress impacts our daily habits, and how well we take care of ourselves. In these COVID times, it is understandable if some of us haven’t been making the “best” choices. Maybe you aren’t eating or exercising the way you know you should. Perhaps you’ve put on some extra pounds. Maybe you’ve tried to get back in shape, but are struggling to stay on track.  If this sounds familiar, peptide therapy could be the answer for you.

Peptide therapy is a natural way to reset your metabolism and boost your body’s ability to burn fat. In addition to stress, many of us have difficulty losing weight for other reasons as well. Factors such as age, hormone imbalance, chronic infection, and a history of yo-yo dieting can leave the metabolism functioning sub-optimally. Peptide therapy works by increasing growth hormone production, which is what gets our metabolism running and allows us to burn fat. 

Peptides have other health benefits as well, including; anti-aging properties, sleep support, improvement in the look of skin, hair and nails, boosting of immune function and increased strength, muscle tone and bone density. 

Peptides are by far my favorite weight loss hack. Unlike other therapies, they don’t’ just help you lose weight, they optimize body composition by toning muscle and targeting belly fat. And, they don’t ultimately lead to rebound weight gains or slowed metabolism, in fact, they help to get the metabolism functioning properly again. That being said, peptides are not a magic bullet. They only work in combination with diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. This is why I like to work closely with my clients to assess their individual needs and create a customized and detailed plan that will help them achieve their fitness goals. 

If you are interested in learning more about our peptide therapy program, please contact our office. Let us support you on your journey to health and fitness. 

ALPHA-GAL Syndrome

by Rebecca Steiner, Naturopathic Medical Assistant and Certified Health Coach

Alpha-gal syndrome is an allergic reaction to beef and other mammals including; lamb, pork and bison. Alpha-gal syndrome causes many troubling symptoms, including; potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis, itching, hives, severe stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, arthritis, and chronic fatigue. 

Alpha-gal syndrome is often missed or misdiagnosed due to its uniqueness from other allergies. Unlike other food allergies, symptoms don’t appear right away, but happen hours after the allergen has been ingested, making it much less likely for someone to make the connection between their symptoms and the offending food. Scientists suspect the reason for this delayed response is that animal fat digests at a slower rate than other foods, like peanuts for example, and so it takes longer for the allergic response to occur. Many patients report attacks that wake them up in the middle of the night or early in the morning, hours after eating. 

What makes alpha-gal allergy even more mysterious is that symptoms vary from person to person, and even from day to day. While someone may develop a severe “allergic” reaction that includes anaphylaxis, hives, itching, and maybe even a trip to the Emergency Room, another could only experience abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea. In addition, someone may have a severe life-threatening reaction from one exposure to meat, and no reaction the next time. 

Alpha-gal syndrome includes some, or all of the following symptoms:

  • Anaphylaxis

  • Hives

  • Flushing

  • Stuffiness

  • Itching (especially palms of hands and soles of feet)

  • Swollen tongue, lips or eyelids 

  • Difficulty Breathing, coughing, wheezing, sneezing

  • Drop in blood pressure

  • Weak Pulse

  • Racing Heartrate

  • Anxiety

  • Dizziness

  • Fainting

  • Vertigo

  • Itchy ears

  • Severe abdominal pain

  • Diarrhea 

  • Constipation

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Edema

  • Arthritis 

  • Joint Pain

  • Rash

  • Psoriasis 

  • Fatigue

  • Gynecological Symptoms 

  • Worse reaction/ Hangover from alcohol 

Alpha-gal is short for galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose, an oligosaccharide sugar molecule that is not present in humans or great apes, but is found in all other mammals. 

Alpha-gal allergy is believed to be acquired from a tick bite. 

Research is still underway, but it is theorized that alpha-gal is transmitted from the saliva of a tick that feeds on mammals like deer. When the tick later attaches to a human it transmits the alpha-gal sugar from the animal into the bloodstream of the human host. Some people develop an IgE response when their immune system tries to defend against this foreign molecule. From that point on, meat consumption results in an allergic reaction. Sensitive people may also react to the alpha-gal molecule in dairy, medications, skincare, beauty products, vaccines, and supplements that contain mammalian byproducts. It is even possible to have an allergic reaction to inhalation of fumes from cooking meat, or from cross contamination of utensils and cookware. In addition, some people develop an allergic reaction to the common food additive carrageen, which has a similar chemical structure to alpha-gal. 

Unfortunately, most people who develop AGS suffer for years before receiving a proper diagnosis. On average it takes 7 years for someone to be diagnosed. Often medical practitioners are not aware of the condition, or believe it is a problem limited to the south eastern United States. 

While AGS is most prevalent in the south eastern regions of the United States, cases have been reported all over the US, and in parts of Europe, Australia and Asia. While it was previously thought that alpha-gal could only be transmitted from the bite of the Lone Star tick (which inhabits the South eastern United States) data now suggests that other ticks may transmit alpha-gal as well. For example, researchers have determined that the European Ixodes tick carries the alpha-gal molecule. Additionally, it is now believed that the Lone Star tick is more widely distributed across the country than previously thought. Scientists also predict that while the Lone Star tick prefers warmer climates, due to ongoing climate change, their distribution will only increase over time. 

Alpha-gal syndrome can be detected with a simple blood test, and a thorough clinical evaluation. Some people may falsely test negative, which is why it is so important to work with a skilled and knowledgeable practitioner. 

There is currently no cure for alpha-gal syndrome, although some people do lose their diagnosis over time. The only solution is to completely avoid all mammal products. Easier said than done given that food and drug manufacturers are not required to include this information on labels. It can also be difficult to tell from a list of ingredients if a product contains alpha-gal because it could be hiding behind confusing names. A few of the many common mammal-derived ingredients found in everything from foods, to over the counter and prescription medications includes: gelatin, glycerin, lactose, magnesium stearate, stearic acid and natural flavorings.

If you have AGS, a Certified Health Coach, like myself, can help you navigate the challenging dietary and lifestyle changes that will be necessary to avoid a potentially life-threatening exposure. Working together we can create a plan that works for you. If you think you may have alpha-gal syndrome please reach out to our clinic for more information and helpful resources.

Healing with the AMPCoil

by Rebecca Steiner, Naturopathic Medical Assistant and Certified Health Coach 

Every cell in our body carries with it an electromagnetic charge, or electromagnetic frequency. There is an optimum frequency at which our cells must vibrate in order to maintain prime function and performance- or vibrational homeostasis. Our cells also exchange these electromagnetic charges with one another. Our bodies are ultimately powered by all of these electromagnetic exchanges that occur in, and between cells. When cells are damaged through chronic insults, from things like; infections, heavy metals, Lyme disease, environmental toxins etc., their vibrational frequency becomes impaired. As a result, the cells do not function optimally and every organ of the body is negatively affected.  

AmpCoil or PEMF therapy (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy) promotes whole-being wellness and harmony, as it basically “retunes” the body by outputting electromagnetic frequencies that are generated through a modified tesla, or bioresonance coil, to restore the optimal vibrational frequency of the damaged cells. 

The bioresonance coil, or AmpCoil is placed on the body while the patient relaxes in a chair. A tablet that contains a software program prompts the coil to pulsate in a unique pattern at the desired vibrational frequencies for healing. A “voice print” (a recording of your voice with the tablet) allows the software program to tailor the electromagnetic frequencies to address your individual health deficits and needs and works to harmonize your physical, mental and emotional well-being. These specified frequencies pulse through the coil, into your body, and around your cells to improve blood flow, oxygen, nutrient transportation, and detoxification, while simultaneously neutralizing foreign invaders, like microbes and viruses. 

Ampcoil therapy is a natural, safe, gentle and effective treatment for many chronic conditions including:

·      Lyme Disease and Associated Infections 

·      Heavy Metal, Mold, or Environmental toxicity

·      Thyroid Imbalance

·      Autism

·      Digestive Issues

·      Fibromyalgia

·      Sleep Disorders

·      Arthritis

·      Autoimmune Disease

·      Hormonal Imbalance

·      Anxiety, Depression

·      Parasites

·      Candida

·      Viruses

For many chronic illnesses, using the Ampcoil for three months can produce significant effects, reducing illness and symptoms and restoring general well-being. 

If you are interested in improving your health and wellness with PEMF therapy, contact our clinic. We offer weekly sessions and can also guide you through personalized treatment programs. Packages are also available.

Visit https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov to explore the proven effects of PEMFs and their applications.



Women's Health Series with Sangita Pedro, ND and Alexis White, CCH

Women's Health Series
Thyroid & Adrenal Health: Homeopathy and Naturopathy
Tuesday, July 28th; 5:30-7pm

The thyroid and adrenal glands play a central role in our metabolism, sleep quality, energy levels and immune function. When they are out of balance we can experience fatigue, weight gain, insomnia, frequent acute illnesses and hair loss to name just a few of the more common symptoms. In Part One of an ongoing Women's Health series, Sangita Pedro, ND and Alexis White, CC will discuss how naturopathic medicine and homeopathy can improve your overall adrenal and thyroid health.

Sangita Pedro, ND will present cases of adrenal and thyroid dysfunction with testing and treatment protocols along with tips on things you can do to improve your own thyroid and adrenal function. Alexis White, CCH will present an overview of homeopathy, examples of homeopathic remedies that have an affinity for thyroid function along with case examples illustrating improved mental, physical and thyroid health. 

The series is free and will be presented through Zoom. We encourage everyone to attend live so you can ask questions of the presenters but each session will be recorded for future viewing. If you would like to join the webinar please email Dr. Sangita Pedro at drpedro@bewellnaturalmedicine.net

Alexis White, CCH is a classical homeopath with a special interest in treating women of all ages for chronic health issues such as emotional well-being; perimenopause; menstrual dysfunction; sleep disturbance and thyroid health. 

Sangita Pedro, ND is a naturopathic doctor at Be Well who treats patients of all ages. Her areas of emphasis are women's health; chronic, complex illness; GI dysfunction and children's behavioral and physical health.

Upcoming webinars:

Women’s Health Series #2: Menstrual pain and dysfunction - Date TBD

Women’s Health Series #3: Perimenopause and menopause - Date TBD

Women’s Health Series #4: Migraines - Date TBD


Natural Peptides for Easier Weight Loss

By Rebecca Steiner, Naturopathic Medical Assistant and Health Coach

Summer has arrived! For me, and many people I know, this usually means we start thinking about how to shed the extra 10 pounds we put on over the winter, about joining an exercise “boot camp” program, or contemplating the best diet to prepare for that upcoming tropical vacation. However, these are not typical times. We have all been through a lot lately. We know that periods of stress, fear, isolation, and immobility can take a toll emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. It can also shape our habits, how we eat and how we take care of ourselves. In these times of uncertainty and instability, we may not always make the healthiest choices. We might not care for ourselves the way we know we should. Some days we just don’t have it in us to follow the perfect diet, vigorously exercise, forgo that glass of wine, or that piece of chocolate cake. And guess what? That’s okay.

In my own household, we’ve certainly had difficulty sticking to our usual health-conscious routine. Shopping for fresh, clean foods, preparing healthy, home-cooked meals, and getting lots of fresh air and exercise has just been too difficult to maintain. Staying “in-shape” simply took a back seat to managing the day-to-day. Early on in the pandemic, I made the conscious decision that for my family this wasn’t a time feel guilty over every transgression. We weren’t going to worry about every extra calorie (or full day of “stress-eating,”) that dinnertime cocktail or extra piece of desert. Instead, we were going to practice self-compassion and acceptance, recognizing that some circumstances are beyond our control, and in times like these, we do what we can.

Still, with Summer upon us and some restrictions being lifted, many people, including myself, are reorienting, wondering how we can become healthier and happier and wanting to engage in some very needed self-care. In light of current conditions, deprivation dieting or intensive exercise programs might not be realistic for everyone.  Instead, some of us may need to be gentler with ourselves, focus on being healthy and supporting our total well-being. Peptide therapy with CJC 1295 & Ipamorelin, is a great option for anyone who is interested in improving their overall physique, without the extreme dieting and deprivation. 

What are Peptides and Peptide Therapy?

Peptides are molecules in our bodies that are made up of small chains of amino acids. You can think of them as small proteins. There are over 7,000 known peptides and each one has a unique function within the body. They may direct cell-to-cell communication, or make up the structural components of tissues, cells and hormones. With peptide therapy, we are able to harness the power of these tiny molecules and utilize their influence to achieve optimal body performance and health.

CJC-1295 & Ipamorelin Peptides Promote Weight Loss

For many of us, factors such as age, hormones, chronic illness or stress, and a previous history of intensive dieting has left our metabolism functioning at a sub-optimal level. That means that even if we are following a healthy diet and lifestyle our weight simply does not budge. Peptide therapy allows you to overcome that “set weight point” by naturally boosting and restoring your metabolism, giving you the jump start you need to begin losing weight. CJC-1295 without DAC and Ipamorelin is a compounded peptide combination in the form of a small injection that is done at home, daily. As we age, or experience chronic stress, we start to produce less and less growth hormone. Growth hormone is what allows our metabolism to run optimally, burn fat, and keeps our muscles and bones strong. Peptide therapy naturally promotes an increased production of this growth hormone by telling our pituitary gland to release more, restoring our metabolism to the way it was when we were in our twenties. These are not growth hormones, but natural peptides that signal your body to produce more. These peptides also have anti-aging properties, improving the look of skin, hair and nails and increasing muscle and bone density. By combining CJC & Ipamorelin with a reasonably healthy diet and lifestyle, over a 3 to 6 month period you will significantly improve your body composition, decrease fat (especially around the midsection) and increase lean muscle mass. The result is a slimmer, more toned, healthier physique.  

The Benefits of CJC & Ipamorelin:

  • Fat loss (especially around the midsection)

  • Improved body composition 

  • Increased lean muscle mass 

  • Increased bone density 

  • Improved REM sleep

  • Increased energy

  • Quicker recovery after exercise 

  • Increased collagen production

  • Improvement in the look of skin, hair and nails

  • Strengthening of the immune system

  • Increased libido 

  • Improved mood

  • Mitochondrial repair 

CJC + Ipamorelin Peptides Will Not:

  • Increase appetite

  • Increase cortisol, prolactin or aldosterone production

  • Cause that “bounce back” weight gain that can happen when you discontinue a weight-loss medication 

Peptide therapy is pretty amazing, but it is not a magic bullet. It is not a fad diet or a quick fix. You have to do the work. However, if you follow a healthy diet and exercise program, with peptides on board, you will slowly but surely improve your physique and your overall health. 

If you are interested in learning more about peptide therapy, please contact our office. We want to support you on your journey towards better health and happiness.  

Navigating Emotions During & After Lockdown

A free online event on June 3rd at 6:00pm (Pacific Time)

This shelter-in-place order can have a way of calling up from our depths experiences of emotional upheaval.  While for some people medications may be an appropriate bridge to manage these states, we wish to offer perspectives and options to help you transform those ’negative’ emotions into a call to action to heal and transform.  Using Chinese Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine and Psychotherapy as springboards to consider what within your mind-body-spirit is asking for help, Drs. Susan Fox, Lisa Brent and Joanna Adler will present tools to navigate through isolation to the new ways in which our relationships and our communities come together.  We know there is no “going back to normal”; let’s take this time to create our next expressions of our best selves.

Register in advance for this free eventhttps://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ShllsWm0RKSMsW2wpXC5Uw

 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. We look forward to seeing you there.

Spring Cleanse & Gut Health Series with Sangita Pedro, ND

Spring is a traditional time for cleansing. Cleansing helps improve liver function, and gives the digestive system some much deserved rest. This leads to improved digestion and absorption of nutrients, increased energy, weight loss, improved skin and hair and better quality of sleep. 

Improved gut health also strengthens our immune system and makes us more resilient to stress. This is even more important right now with COVID 19 all around us. 

Dr. Pedro will be hosting weekly Zoom calls over the next three weeks, in preparation for a cleanse that will begin the first week in June. The topic of each call is listed below. 

Here's a taste of what you will learn during these calls:

  • The basics of digestion and how to improve it

  • The pros and cons of pre- and probiotics and how to differentiate them

  • What does cleansing mean and how to do it right

  • The connection between gut health and hormones, insomnia and many other conditions 

  • A look at what to eat, when to eat and how to eat in order to optimize gut function.

The Zoom calls are FREE and open to everyone. Feel free to pass this message on to friends and family who may be interested.

Three Zoom calls - FREE! 

All calls will be 5:30 - 7pm Pacific time.

  • Wednesday, May 27th:  Introduction to a healthy gut

  • Wednesday, June 3rd: Gut Imbalance and How to Correct It

  • Wednesday, June 10th: To Cleanse or Not? How, Why and When to Cleanse

There will be a group cleanse immediately following the Zoom series. The cleanse is 5-7 days long and includes a discussion forum, protein powder, supplements, recipes and instructions. If you live locally you can add a nutrient IV for an additional cost to aid in detoxification and repair of the gut. There will also be one follow up Zoom call for all participants near the end of the cleanse to ask questions, and share stories of our individual experiences. 

The cost of the cleanse is: $50 plus the cost of supplements 

Add on IV Therapy: $195

Please RSVP by Wednesday, May 20th to Dr. Pedro at drpedro@bewellnaturalmedicine.net

Once you RSVP you will receive the Zoom link for all three calls. 

Tick Bites: Prevention and Treatment

By Rebecca Steiner, Naturopathic Medical Assistant and Certified Health Coach

Tick Bite Prevention

The best medicine is prevention. To prevent a tick bite:

  • Avoid tall grassy areas

  • Avoid logs and wood piles

  • Avoid leaf litter

  • Do regular tick checks of yourself and your pets

  • Wear protective clothing

  • On hikes, walk in the middle of the trail 

  • Use essential oils of lemon and eucalyptus  

More Details: 

  • To prevent a tick bite, especially during the warmer months, it is best to avoid tick habitats, such as grassy areas, leaf litter, logs and wood piles. 

  • If you do engage in outdoor activities where you might be exposed, protect yourself by wearing light colored clothing, long sleeved shirts and pants and tucking your pant legs into your socks. 

  • It may also be helpful to rub essential oils of lemon and eucalyptus into the skin as a natural tick repellent. 

  • Finally, do a thorough tick check during and after your activities. Scan your whole body, check your scalp and behind your ears. 

  • Don’t forget to check your pets! When you return home, take a shower and wash your hair. 

Tick Removal:

If you are bitten by a tick, there are specific steps you can take to minimize the risk of the transmission of Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections:

  • Purchase pointy tweezers or a “Tick Key”

The only safe way to remove a tick is with a “Tick Key” (which can be purchased online) or with pointy-tipped tweezers. Do not use standard household tweezers with blunt edges. Purchase one of these tick removal tools to have on hand, in your home, and to carry on hikes, camping, and other outdoor activities. 

If you are bitten, remove the tick by placing your tweezers (or tick key) as close to the skin as possible and around the head of the tick. Pull firmly, slowly, steadily and directly up. Try to avoid breaking the tick. 

Never attempt to remove a tick with matches, nail polish remover, or other substances. Do not twist or squeeze the tick.  

Once you have removed the tick, disinfect the area of the bite with soap and warm water and wash your hands.  

Tick Testing:

Contrary to popular belief, a tick does not have to be attached to the skin for an extended period of time to transmit infection to a human host. Once the tick has attached, there is a risk of infection. 

  • Have your tick tested through Tick Report

Place the tick in a ziplock bag along with a moist cotton ball, tissue, or green leaf. DO NOT freeze the tick. It is recommended to put the ziplock bag inside a second ziplock bag as ticks have been known to escape. 

Send your tick to the laboratory for testing.  

Go online to order your test and receive shipping instructions: https://www.tickreport.com   

You must order the “Comprehensive Package,” which tests for more of the infections ticks carry in our area.  The cost of testing the tick is $200. 

See a Doctor:

  • Contact our clinic immediately for a “Tick Check” appointment

After a tick bite it is essential to be seen by a Lyme literate doctor as soon as possible, as you will need to be evaluated. Prophylactic treatment or testing will be administered, if needed. Do not wait for the results of your tick report. You do not have to have a Bull’s Eye rash to have contracted a tick-borne illness from a tick bite. By seeing a doctor you are preventing the dissemination of infection and avoiding the risk of long-term, chronic illness. 


Vivace RF Microneedling with PRP is a Safe and Effective Alternative to Surgery and Fillers

Why are we offering this service? 
It's true that aesthetic treatments are not usually part of a naturopathic medical practice. That said, I see many patients who are doing everything they can to stay vibrant through mid-life, and yet, like me, they don't like the wrinkles that still come along with aging well. This tool is the combination of safety and effectiveness that I want for myself and for my patients. Also, it is ideal for patients with autoimmune conditions who are more likely to have adverse effects from fillers and Botox. 

Benefits of this simple, minimally-invasive treatment:

  • Soften Fine Lines & Wrinkles

  • Tighten Skin

  • Reduce Active Acne

  • Diminish Appearance of Scarring

  • Improve Skin Tone & Texture

  • Minimize Pore Size

  • Restore hair growth 

  • Fast results

  • No downtime

How does it work? 
Microneedling is a safe non-surgical treatment to trigger new collagen. When combined with radio frequency, it becomes the newest revolution in contouring and tightening for the face, neck, hands and body. The addition Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) to the microneedling process gives skin all fo the essential elements it needs to create new collagen.   

While the changes to your skin will be visible immediately, the long-term benefits of this treatment are seen when the treatments are repeated monthly for three consecutive months. 


  • No Surgery

  • Little Downtime

  • Virtually Pain Free

  • Ready To Go Out That Night!

INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL: Buy a package of three treatments and get one free!

For more details and to schedule your first session, please call Kristi at 415-569-4470

Mycoplasma: More Than Just Walking Pneumonia

By Sangita Pedro, ND

Jesse, a 36 year old man, came to me complaining of extreme fatigue, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea and insomnia. These symptoms had been present for over five years. He had previously been diagnosed with Babesia and high levels of antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus. He was treated for these two infections by multiple doctors over a five-year period with no improvement in his symptoms.

The most recent treatment included Mepron (a malaria drug used to treat Babesia) and Valtrex (prescription antiviral medication) daily for six months. The treatment was stopped because his liver was showing signs of inflammation. Blood tests at this point showed a decrease in Babesia and an increase in EBV antibodies and all of his symptoms were worse.  

As you can imagine, Jesse was more than frustrated and ready to give up. I suggested we test for Mycoplasma, a common Lyme co-infection and the stealthiest of stealth microbes. The test came back positive which proved to be the key to a protocol that ultimately gave him his life back.

Stealth microbes are organisms that have developed mechanisms to hide from the hosts’ immune system thereby avoiding detection and death. Mycoplasma does this in two ways: by being very tiny and by lacking a cell wall.

Mycoplasma are the smallest microbes known (at least for now). 4,000 Mycoplasma can fit inside a single red blood cell; 10-15 typical bacteria would fit inside that same red blood cell. Most of their very tiny space is used to carry host genetic information. There is no space left to manufacture nutrients, making Mycoplasma a very small but very effective parasite.

Because they cannot make nutrients themselves, they must scavenge fatty acids, proteins, and carbohydrates from their host in order to survive. This is why people infected with mycoplasma become depleted and fatigued..

Their lack of a cell wall allows them to change form quickly (better for hiding) and squeeze into places that are off limits to other microbes such as red and white blood cells and brain tissue. It also makes them resistant to antibiotics especially in chronic, systemic infections.  

In chronic infections, Mycoplasma are not free-floating in the blood (where the antibiotics are). They live in tissues, hidden from the main blood supply of the host, and protected from the potentially lethal antibiotics.

Mycoplasma can be contracted through air droplets (as in cases of walking pneumonia), tick bites, sexual contact and contaminated food. Each species of Mycoplasma has a preference for certain parts of the body, but they are not picky. All species have the potential to infect all areas of the body if given the opportunity.

Mycoplasma is common in the environment, so most of us have been exposed at some point in our lives. This is not a problem for a healthy immune system. The body creates antibodies to it and effectively eliminates it in 1-3 months.

In some cases, small amounts of Mycoplasma remain behind but don’t cause symptoms until the immune system is weakened. That weakening can be caused by chronic stress, poor diet, toxic exposure and/or infection with other stealth pathogens like Lyme and its various co-infections.

A weakened immune system allows Mycoplasma to begin to multiply and create inflammation which can cause a variety of symptoms in nearly every area of the body. Some common symptoms include fatigue, headaches, brain fog, diarrhea, constipation, weakness, joint and muscle pain, insomnia, and anxiety.

Because Mycoplasma can also be transmitted through a tick bite, there may be no history of respiratory problems. And because ticks can be as small as the head of a pin, most people have no memory of a tick bite.

How someone originally became infected with Mycoplasma is less important that their current symptom picture which tells you where the microbes are living and what needs to be treated.

Because Mycoplasma is a parasite, good nutrition is the foundation of every treatment plan with a diet high in protein and fatty acids and low in carbohydrates. Decreasing inflammation, protecting and healing affected tissues, and improving immune function are essential to eradicating Mycoplasma from the body. This can be accomplished with herbs, vitamins, homeopathy, and IV therapy. 

Mycoplasma, being so small and stealthy, can take longer to treat than other stealth microbes but, in the end, the reward is not only a reversal of symptoms but a stronger, healthier immune system that is resistant to future infections.